Skull and Bones Acacia Location

Finding acacia trees in Skull and Bones is fairly straightforward. Here’s how to locate them:

1. Map Icons:

  • Look for green tree icons on your in-game map. These icons specifically represent acacia trees.
  • Zoom in on the icons for a clearer picture of their location on the island.

2. Visual Identification:

  • Once you arrive at the marked location, look for small groups of three to four trees with bright green leaves. These are the acacia trees you’re looking for.

3. Early Game Locations:

  • In the early stages of the game, you can easily find acacia trees near the port of Sainte-Anne.
  • Look for them north of the port, near a small gap between rocks where you can sail your ship through.

4. Additional Tips:

  • Explore different islands throughout the world – most will have acacia trees scattered across them.
  • When sailing, keep an eye out for green patches on the islands. These might indicate the presence of acacia trees.
  • Remember, acacia trees respawn very quickly, so even if you harvest all the trees in a specific location, they’ll be back shortly.

By using these methods, you should be able to easily locate acacia trees in Skull and Bones and gather enough wood for repairs, upgrades, and crafting.

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