PoE Well Creeper

Well Creeper: Fires lingering projectiles that explode.

The Well Creeper exists in Path of Exile as a common enemy found in the Abyssal Depths area. Here’s a breakdown of its characteristics:

  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Location: Primarily found in the Abyssal Depths area.


  • Fires Lingering Projectiles that Explode: The Well Creeper launches projectiles that linger in the air for a short duration before exploding. These explosions deal physical damage in an area of effect (AoE).


  • Movement and Positioning: Be aware of your surroundings and the Well Creeper’s position. Move strategically to avoid getting caught in the explosion radius of the projectiles. Utilize cover if available.
  • Defensive Skills: Depending on your character build, consider using defensive skills like Decoy Totem or Phase Shift to mitigate damage from the explosions.
  • Prioritize Elimination: Since they’re a common enemy, focus on eliminating Well Creepers quickly to minimize the number of projectiles in the air at once. Area of Effect (AoE) skills can be helpful for this.

Additional Notes:

  • Well Creepers are generally not a major threat on their own. However, in large numbers or when combined with other Abyssal enemies, they can become more dangerous.
  • Their projectiles are relatively slow-moving, allowing you time to react and move out of the way.

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