PoE Treasure Hunt: Incursions contain Cursed Treasures

Added a new Incursion cluster to the Atlas Passive Tree, with the Notable Treasure Hunt. Treasure Hunt causes Incursions in your Maps to contain Cursed Treasures, while the 3 small Passives each provide “Your Maps have +8% chance to contain Alva”.

Treasure Hunt Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Treasure Hunt Notable
  • Incursions in your Maps contain Cursed Treasures
  • Reminder Text:

  • (Cursed Treasure can be claimed for valuable rewards, but doing so will lose time while in Incursions)

PoE Treasure Hunt: Incursions contain Cursed Treasures

Cursed Treasures in Incursions:

  • Guaranteed Spawns: Allocating this Atlas Passive ensures that Incursions in your maps will always contain Cursed Treasures. These are special treasures that offer valuable rewards but come with a drawback.

Claiming Cursed Treasures:

  • Rewarding but Time-Consuming: You can claim Cursed Treasures during the Incursion encounter. However, claiming them takes additional time within the limited timeframe of the Incursion. This means you might have to prioritize between claiming treasures and completing the Incursion objectives.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Increased Risk and Reward: This passive offers the potential for better rewards from Incursions at the cost of potentially sacrificing some Incursion objective completion.
  • Time Management: If you choose to claim Cursed Treasures, make sure you can do so efficiently within the Incursion timer. Consider your build's movement speed and combat abilities to factor in the extra time needed.
  • Alternative Approach: If you prioritize completing Incursion objectives for guaranteed rewards and extra Temple of Atzoatl rooms, you can avoid this passive and focus on those aspects.

Overall, Treasure Hunt in Path of Exile: Necropolis League is a valuable Atlas Passive for players who are comfortable with risk-reward scenarios and want to potentially acquire valuable rewards from Incursions. It guarantees the presence of Cursed Treasures, but keep in mind the time commitment required to claim them and the potential trade-off with Incursion objective completion.

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