PoE Skittering Swarms: 12% increased Scarabs found in your Maps

Added a new Scarab cluster to the Atlas Passive Tree with the Notable Skittering Swarms. It provides 12% increased Scarabs found in your Maps, while the two small Passives each provide 4% increased Scarabs found in your Maps.

Skittering Swarms Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Skittering Swarms Notable
  • 12% increased Scarabs found in your Maps

PoE Skittering Swarms: 12% increased Scarabs found in your Maps

The Atlas Passive "Skittering Swarms" in Path of Exile: Necropolis League provides a direct boost to your overall Scarab acquisition rate. Here's a breakdown of its effect:

Increased Scarab Chance:

  • 12% More Scarabs: Allocating this Atlas Passive increases the chance of finding Scarabs in your maps by 12%. This is a straightforward bonus that applies to your base Scarab drop rate.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Straightforward Boost: Skittering Swarms is a reliable way to increase your Scarab acquisition over time. It's a general buff that applies to all Scarabs, regardless of rarity or type.
  • Scales with Other Mechanics: This passive stacks multiplicatively with other Scarab-related bonuses you might have on your Atlas tree or from other sources. This means the effective increase to your Scarab chance can be even higher if you combine Skittering Swarms with other relevant effects.

Overall, Skittering Swarms in Path of Exile: Necropolis League is a valuable Atlas Passive for players who want a consistent and reliable way to increase their Scarab acquisition rate. It provides a straightforward boost to your Scarab find chance and can be particularly effective when combined with other Scarab-rewarding mechanics.

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