PoE How To Use Heist

Using Heist in Path of Exile involves several steps:

1. Acquiring Contracts and Markers:

  • Rogue Harbour: Talk to Kurai, the administrator, in the Rogue Harbour to start Heist.
  • Contracts: Contracts grant access to specific heists. You can get them from quests, drops, or trading. Each contract requires a specific Rogue and skill level.
  • Markers: Markers are used to hire Rogue specialists for various tasks in a heist. You can earn them by completing heists or buying them from the smugglers’ caches within the Rogue Harbour.

2. Planning and Preparation:

  • Prepare Heist: Select a contract and the corresponding Rogue (based on the contract’s skill requirement) in the Heist Board.
  • Crew Selection: Use markers to hire specialist Rogues for various roles like Lockpicking, Demolition, Traps, and Alert Disruption. Consider their synergy and the contract’s objectives.
  • Equipment: Choose gear and skills optimized for your planned tactics and objectives.

3. Running the Heist:

  • Entrance Phase: Use the map device in the Rogue Harbour to enter the target location. Stealth is crucial to avoid triggering alarms and alerting guards.
  • Objectives: Complete the objectives specified in the contract, like stealing target items or opening vault doors. Utilize your hired Rogues’ skills and avoid combat when possible.
  • Escape Phase: Once objectives are complete, reach the escape portal before the lockdown timer runs out.

4. Rewards and Progression:

  • Loot: Secure the rewards you acquired during the heist and bring them back to the Rogue Harbour.
  • Contract Completion: Completing contracts increases Rogue reputation and unlocks Grand Heists.
  • Grand Heists: These offer multiple wings with different objectives and potential for greater rewards.
  • Blueprints: Rare drops from chests offer permanent access to specific heist locations.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice: Heist can be complex, so try simpler contracts and test different crew combinations before tackling advanced encounters.
  • Observe: Pay attention to guards’ patrol patterns and alarm triggers to avoid detection.
  • Utilize skills: Use skills like Smoke Mine for escape or Decoy Totem to distract guards.
  • Upgrade Rogues: Levelling your Rogues unlocks new skills and improves their effectiveness.
  • Community resources: Check online guides and videos for detailed strategies and heist walkthroughs.

By understanding these steps and practicing strategically, you’ll be able to master Heist in Path of Exile and reap its valuable rewards!

Here are some helpful resources:

I hope this information helps you get started with Heist in Path of Exile! Enjoy the thrill of infiltrating intricate locations and claiming valuable treasures!

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