PoE How To Use Divine Font

Divine Fonts in Path of Exile are intriguing objects found at the end of the Labyrinth, offering an exciting chance to enchant your gloves, boots, or helmets. Here’s how to use them effectively:

Understanding Divine Fonts:

  • Location: You encounter the Divine Font within the Eternal Labyrinth after defeating Izaro.
  • Enchant Options: It randomly grants one enchantment from a pool specific to the type of item you place in the font (gloves, boots, or helmets).
  • Rarity and Power: Enchantments can range from common and minor to highly rare and powerful, significantly boosting your character’s abilities.

Using the Divine Font:

  1. Prepare your Gear: Choose a high-level, well-rolled pair of gloves, boots, or helmet that you want to enchant. Ideally, it should be an item you plan to use for a significant period.
  2. Enter the Font: Interact with the Font in the Eternal Labyrinth after defeating Izaro.
  3. Place your Gear: Select the specific slot (gloves, boots, or helmet) you want to enchant.
  4. Roll the Dice: Click the "Enchant" button. The Font randomly determines which enchantment from the pool is applied to your chosen item.

Tips for Enchanting:

  • Research Available Enchantments: Online resources like poe.trade and the PoE Wiki provide lists of possible enchantments for each item type. Choose gear suited for the types of enchantments you desire.
  • Consider the Risk: Enchantments are permanent, so be sure you’re happy with your chosen item before risking a potentially undesirable outcome.
  • Alternative Strategies: You can utilize the "Gift to the Goddess" prophecy within the Eternal Labyrinth to gain 9 enchantments instead of one, albeit with increased random chance.
  • Trading Enchantments: If you get an undesirable enchantment, consider trading your enchanted item with other players who might find it valuable.

Remember: Divine Fonts offer thrilling potential for powerful upgrades, but they also involve an element of randomness. Choose wisely, manage expectations, and enjoy the excitement of uncovering unique abilities for your character!

Feel free to ask any further questions you might have about Divine Fonts, specific enchantments, or strategies for maximizing your success in the Labyrinth!

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