PoE How To Increase Item Level

Unfortunately, in Path of Exile (POE), there is no direct way to increase the item level (iLvl) of an existing item. The iLvl is a fixed property determined during the item’s creation.

Here’s a breakdown of why increasing iLvl directly isn’t possible:

  • Technical Limitation: The game’s code doesn’t have built-in mechanics for altering an item’s base iLvl.
  • Balance Considerations: Allowing players to freely increase iLvl would disrupt the itemization system and potentially lead to overpowered gear.

However, there are alternative approaches to acquire items with a higher iLvl:

  • Target Farming: Specific endgame content and bosses have a higher chance of dropping high iLvl items. Research areas and activities that reward desired gear.
  • Trading: The player market allows purchasing items with specific iLvls. This can be a viable option if you have the required currency.
  • Crafting with High iLvl Bases: Focus on using base items that already have a high iLvl (ideally above level 80). This provides the foundation for crafting powerful gear.

Additional Tips:

  • Gradual Progression: As you progress through the game and defeat challenging encounters, you’ll naturally encounter higher iLvl items.
  • Utilize Crafting Resources: Online tools like Path of Building (https://pathofbuilding.community/) can help simulate crafting outcomes based on different iLvl bases.
  • Research Build Guides: Many successful build guides recommend specific iLvl ranges for crafting gear suited to that particular build strategy.


While directly increasing an item’s iLvl isn’t possible, focusing on acquiring items with a naturally high iLvl or crafting with high iLvl bases provides alternative pathways to obtaining powerful equipment in Path of Exile. Utilize the available methods and resources to optimize your gear acquisition and crafting endeavors.

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