PoE How To Enchant Flasks

There are two main ways to enchant flasks in Path of Exile:

1. Instilling Orb:

  • This is the most common method. Right-click the orb on your desired flask to apply a random enchantment from a pool specific to the flask type (utility, life/mana, bleed/mana).
  • You can target specific enchantments by using the Enkindling Orb altar in Alva’s Temple. Place the flask in the designated slot and offer specific items (e.g., Sacrifice Fragments) to influence the pool of potential enchantments.
  • Instilling Orbs are readily available through drops and trading, making this a convenient and accessible method. However, the randomness factor remains.

2. Harvest Crafting:

  • This method offers more control but requires specific requirements and resources. You need Harvest’s "Enchant Flask" modifier on a Lifeforce orb, which can be harvested from specific rare plants.
  • Place the flask and Lifeforce orb in the Harvester and click "Enchant." This guarantees a specific enchantment based on the chosen Lifeforce modifier type (e.g., "Gain Onslaught when you use this Flask").
  • Harvest crafting gives you greater control but necessitates finding the right Lifeforce modifier, making it less readily available compared to Instilling Orbs.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Flask Tier: Higher-tier flasks offer access to stronger enchantments.
  • Flask Mods: Existing modifiers on your flask can influence the pool of potential enchantments with Instilling Orbs.
  • Crafting Cost: Consider the cost of Instilling Orbs or Lifeforce modifiers before enchanting.

Bonus Tips:

  • Utilize online resources like PoEDB and Path of Building to see the available enchantments for your flask type and assess their impact on your build.
  • Consider joining Path of Exile communities and forums to discuss specific flask enchantments and ask for advice from experienced players.
  • Remember, enchanting flasks involves an element of randomness unless using Harvest crafting. Weigh the potential benefits against the cost and effort before deciding on your preferred method.

Happy enchanting and may your flasks grant you powerful boons!

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