PoE Fishing Rod Use

The Fishing Rod in Path of Exile (POE) has limited uses and primarily functions as a collectible and quest item:

Main Uses:

  • Initiating Krillson’s Questline: Having a Fishing Rod in your inventory is necessary to talk to Krillson, the Master Fisherman, and begin his quest chain. Completing these quests might offer minor rewards, but they aren’t crucial for character progression.
  • Fishing Activity: While currently not a fully implemented feature, the Fishing Rod hints at a potential future fishing mechanic in POE.

Other Considerations:

  • Collectible Value: Due to its extreme rarity, the Fishing Rod holds value for collectors and enthusiasts who enjoy acquiring unique items.
  • Weapon Slot: Technically, the Fishing Rod can be equipped in the weapon slot. However, it possesses minimal physical damage and offers no combat advantages.

Important Note:

  • No Direct Combat Use: The Fishing Rod currently lacks any inherent combat stats or skills that would make it a viable weapon choice.

Here’s a summary of the Fishing Rod’s functionalities:

Functionality Description
Krillson’s Questline Required to initiate the quest chain.
Fishing Activity Potential future use in a possible fishing mechanic (not currently fully implemented).
Collectible Value Prized possession for collectors due to its rarity.
Weapon Slot Can be equipped, but offers minimal damage and no combat benefits.


  • The Fishing Rod’s primary purpose in POE revolves around the Krillson questline and potential future fishing mechanic.
  • It doesn’t hold any significant value for optimizing your character’s combat capabilities.

While the Fishing Rod might hold some intrigue due to its rarity and potential future use, focusing on established character builds and core gameplay mechanics will prove more rewarding in Path of Exile.

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