MW3 Estate Map - Modern Warfare 3

Estate Map Top 10 Tips

MW3 Estate Map

1. Explore the open space. While combat often centers around the map’s center and interior buildings, there’s a lot more room to explore around its expansive borders. Use all of the space available to you to enhance your tactical options.

2. Timing and precision. When rolling with the UAV, try not to always call it in the moment you earn the streak. Wait until you’re in position to make a focused attack — or during a crucial moment of defense — and then activate it, helping you get more out of your most important plays.

3. Waterfall rampage. Though centrally located, the Waterfall and Lodge Path can be a great starting point for an ambush against the Lodge. Its high rock walls obstruct the view from above, allowing you to get into a strong attacking position before the enemy catches on to your plans.

4. Watch your back. Once you’ve fought for a position within the Lodge, it’s easy to get caught up in its sweeping exterior views. Keep your eyes and ears open for movement from within, however, or risk getting eliminated from behind.

5. Come and get it. While longer ranged weapons perform well across Estate’s lengthy sight lines, close-quarters combat is still a viable option. Head to the buildings and other tight areas closest to the fight, then blast enemies passing through.

6. Target acquired. Estate’s open views encourage the use of the Remote Turret streak. Try setting it up at the top of the Main Road, around the Boathouse, or even up on the Workshop roof. back roof. Stay nearby to provide covering fire against Operators attempting to take it out.

7. We’re not alone in here. Are sharpshooters in the Lodge or Workshop giving you a hard time? Swap to a close-quarters Loadout and make yourself at home. Forget the views outside and focus on clearing out anyone foolish enough to enter.

8. Pick it up. Pay attention to weapons dropped on the ground by fallen Operators; picking up a weapon that compliments your Primary will boost your versatility and allow you to patch up any weak spots in your starting Loadout.

9. Outdoor enthusiast. While the interior locations offer obvious cover advantages, they also draw much attention. Utilize stone walls, outcrops, and other cover objects in the wild to attack from a less obvious position.

10. PTFO. Yes, the Lodge and Workshop are dominant positions on the map, but they’re not doing any good if you’re falling behind on the objective. Watch the match score at all times and get moving when you’re down, even if it means leaving your favorite spot.

Head to a Makarov’s safehouse and garrison in the Caucasus Mountains, where a pristine Lodge overlooks an expansive woodland property. Fight from the main living quarters or utilize the various outbuildings and fields to engage enemies from the perimeter.


Concealed within a snowcapped mountain range, Estate offers valuable amenities alongside its three-story dwelling, including a Greenhouse, lakeside access, and several outbuildings providing storage for supplies and vehicles.

Operators looking to jump into the heat of battle will find plenty in and around the iconic Lodge, though this medium-sized map hosts several other important points of interest across the surrounding property, providing opportunities for stealth plays, flank attacks, and heated skirmishes around objectives.


MW3 Estate Map areas


MW3 Estate Map hardpoints

domination flags

MW3 Estate Map domination flags

search & destroy sites

MW3 Estate Map search & destroy sites

spawn points

MW3 Estate Map spawn points

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Intel Card — Estate

MW3 Estate Map

Up the Wood Pile: Scale the wood pile behind the Lodge, easily accessible from the Lodge Path and Greenhouse. It leads right to the second story Bedroom, an ideal ambush point.

Away from the Windows: Unless you’re specifically engaging enemies outside the Lodge, avoid standing near the large windows or open doorways or risk falling victim to enemy snipers.

Have a Blast: Though the building is large overall, the individual rooms within the Lodge keep Operators in close contact. Take a Shotgun along to make quick work of any enemies within.

Tactical Overview

In team-based modes, squads will either spawn at the Substation (north) or the Backwoods (south).

A large property lies between the two points, with the main Lodge sitting over everything. Though this major power position is a haven for activity, however, there are plenty of other points of interest worth exploring and flanking routes worth pursuing. By using the whole map, you’ll gain a greater understanding of your strategic options.

For the purposes of this guide, we’ve divided Estate into six sections based on key areas around the map:

- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Substation (+ Substation Building)

- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Back Woods (+ Greenhouse, Gravel Courtyard, Garden)


- ADDITIONAL AREA: Waterfall (+ Lodge Path)


- ADDITIONAL AREA: Boathouse (+ Long Stairs, Curved Stairs, Lake)


Prepare for intense engagements on the ground floor as Operators weave around the bulky equipment during a skirmish; control your fire to avoid wasting ammo and being forced into an early reload. Move into the attached Substation Building to force close-quarters combat, though be prepared for incoming fire through its surrounding windows.

Note the two ladders providing rooftop access for a strong though exposed view of the area. Use its height advantage to land a few eliminations and then get back down before the enemy returns seeking revenge. For a more subtle approach, stick to the outer border.


Just west of the Lodge, the Backwoods lead toward the narrow Greenhouse, around the Lodge toward Boathouse, or into the building itself through the lower Game Room entrance. When moving to the Greenhouse, remember that Operators at the back of the Lodge can easily see any ongoing action inside, blocked only by a few cover pieces near the windows or by the low brick wall hiding Operators in the prone position.

In the right situation, the Backwoods area itself can be used to ambush enemies trying to get in through the back of the Lodge or coming out of the south end of the Greenhouse. Though in most cases, you will use the area as a launching point into the greater environment.


The most iconic point on the map, the Lodge is a hothouse of activity in most matches. On the ground floor, its large bay windows overlook a good portion of the north, with some obstruction caused by the stone wall and the trees in Waterfall. Head to the Bedroom and Kitchen area in the back of the building to cover the Greenhouse and Garden.

The upstairs loft provides a solid ambush point against enemy activity in the Main Room, with the east-facing wraparound Balcony outside the Bedroom providing sight lines toward the Boathouse and Backwoods. When ambushing the area, consider entering through the rear of the Lodge, either up the woodpile from the Garden or through the lower Game Room via the Gravel Courtyard.


The central Waterfall and Lodge Path running alongside the Main Road to the Lodge is exposed on nearly all sides, though its lowered elevation provides opportunities for concealment in the right situation. It’s worth noting, too, that although the Lodge’s bay windows loom overhead, the steep angle required to look down into the area makes it difficult to land shots without moving right up against or mantling onto the window frame, thus greatly exposing one’s position.

The Waterfall is best used to conduct operations against enemies in the Lodge and Workshop who are otherwise occupied. Once your position becomes known, however, it only takes a well-aimed grenade or two to clear out the area, so tread carefully. Other danger points include the Garage at the top of the Main Path and the Curved Stairs leading up to the Boathouse.

When time is of the essence, deploy a Smoke Grenade before traveling through here. Toss it toward the Lodge or Workshop depending on where the greatest threat lies.


Sitting across from the Lodge at the bottom of the Waterfall, the Workshop marks another formidable power position. Its layout is more open, however, the bottom floor consisting of few cover options and a staircase on either end leading up to a loft facing the Lodge and the Substation. Expect some crossfire between here and the Lodge and don’t hesitate to move around to different openings to keep the enemy guessing.

Use the woodpile at the back of Workshop to get up onto the roof, providing a strong view over Substation and the Main Road going up the hill. Once you start gathering enemy attention, consider dropping off to the field behind the Workshop; while they rush the building looking for you, you’ll have the chance to engage from a less expected angle.


Positioned at a higher elevation, the Boathouse area is largely out of view from the rest of the map except for a portion exposed to the Lodge’s Front Entrance. Sparse cover makes traversing here a risky business, though some scattered furniture and other cover objects can offer protection in a pinch.

Head inside the Boathouse for greater concealment, though keep in mind that its thin wooden walls provide little protection against incoming fire. If you need to escape, head out toward the water where a lower elevation gives you the breathing room to reposition for a counterattack. You might even take a swim in the Lake for a surprise attack when they come looking for you.

Objective Overview

Overall Tactics

When playing team-based objective modes on Estate, the squad who best uses the full run of the map paired with the right Loadouts is well on their way to victory.

Don’t let the enemy team dictate how the fight plays out. Look for unused angles, switch up your Loadout, and engage on your own terms. By always considering alternative strategies, you can break through enemy strongholds and mark your own point of battle.

For long-ranged plays, use the grounds around the Substation, Boathouse, and behind the Workshop to land distant eliminations; climb up onto available rooftops for an even greater though more vulnerable position. Long sight lines abound from every corner of the map. Seek out and use them.

When it’s time to close in on the enemy, move from building to building to limit your exposure outside. Ping enemies as you spot them and eliminate those who get too close to your position. Once down, check their dropped weapon for the chance to greatly improve your versatility through the map.


Domination takes a more tactical approach on a larger map like Estate, requiring a greater effort to capture and defend flags.

Though the flags’ positions tend to focus the attack on the center of the map, don’t neglect the Substation or Boathouse as the springboard for a flanking maneuver. It may take longer to reach your destination, but you’ve got a better chance of catching the enemy off guard.

Attack flags from different angles to keep them guessing, then consolidate your forces once two are in hand. The B and C flags are both positioned indoors, giving defenders an advantage by utilizing the buildings as a power position against incoming enemies. Focusing on A and B is also a solid choice, using their heightened elevation to better scan for incoming enemies.

Whatever your approach, always look for weaknesses in the enemy’s defense to beeline an objective. Taking a flag here often requires a concerted tactical effort, to don’t pass up the easy captures. In the same vein, keep your team focused on grabbing two flags and then shifting to defense; while going for a triple cap is possible, the attempt can backfire.


Can’t wrap your head around Estate? Hardpoint’s your mode. The objective hits every major point on the map, forcing Operators to excel in a variety of engagements.

Stay focused on the goal and attack the Hardpoint with everything you have, learning the ins and outs of each objective location. After a few matches in this mode, you’ll be ready for anything.

When the Hardpoint is in your team’s control, the strategy shifts. Sharpshooters should use Estate’s large size to back off and cover sight lines leading toward the objective, keeping the heat off teammates who are on the point. Use the outermost boundaries of the map to force opponents with shorter-ranged weapons into a disadvantage, and don’t hesitate to switch roles and move onto the point if needed.

While the Trophy System is always useful in Hardpoint, the challenge on Estate is more about map control and keeping the enemy from getting into throwing range at all. With good team communication, you can lock down one point and then rotate toward the next before it activates, thus building your scoring momentum for a quick route to the victory screen.


While you’re certain to experience chaotic rounds determined within the opening thirty seconds of the match, Estate’s larger size also allows for a more coolheaded approach as squads use the environment to avoid detection until the perfect opportunity to pounce.

Expect a good deal of snipers here looking to capitalize on the map’s long sight lines. When facing skilled sharpshooters, pair up with a teammate and stick close to cover objects so you have a better chance of moving out of view for a revive if downed. If you’ve still got a full squad, send your third teammate around for the flank…or let someone from the third squad take them out, though there’s risk in handing them a streak through this tactic.

Another strategy is to split up your team entirely, moving into a triangular formation around the overtime flag. This works well against teams who rely on the capture objective over landing eliminations, though you’re much less likely to get revived if taken out by an enemy Operator.

Search & Destroy

The attacking team faces an uphill battle here. Do you attack the formidable Lodge head on to plant at A, or risk the open field around the Boathouse to plant at B? Whatever your choice, it’s often best to avoid the middle path due to its exposure from both bomb sites.

Consider picking a side and grouping your forces, as splitting up threatens to weaken your ability to respond to entrenched defenders, barring any designated flankers sent to off balance the enemy position. You might also initiate combat early in the round by making your position known in an attempt to get the enemy team to reveal their location.

As the defending team, it’s tempting to cluster your squad in and around the Lodge due to its prominent position. This is a viable strategy, so long as at least one Operator watches for movement toward the Boathouse B bomb site; there’s a small window of opportunity to spot enemies moving toward B between the Garage and Long Stairs. For a more well-rounded strategy, split your forces between the two zones, helping to cover a wider area.

Estate (Core): Head to a secluded getaway in the Caucasus Mountains, where a pristine lodge overlooks an expansive woodland property. Fight from the main living quarters or utilize the various outbuildings and fields to engage enemies from the perimeter.

The lake behind the boathouse is now accessible for wetworks. Operators can now maneuver in and under the water and can swim out to a platform overlooking the area. There’s also a greater military presence on the Estate grounds than there was before. While the original lodge offered a luxurious getaway, this one features intel posted on the wall and a tank sitting on the main road outside.

TACTICAL INTEL: Get ready to infiltrate the great outdoors of Estate. Fight for a spot in the lodge or move through the wooded perimeter to flank opponents. Beware of enemies hanging out in the scattered buildings and be ready to swap to a close-ranged weapon when engaging Operators within.

Play: Launch Maps (Multiplayer). An impressive number of modernized Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps are part of the initial map pool, along with three Ground War maps (based on points of interest within the Urzikstan Big Map) and a linear section of the massive Urzikstan itself (War mode).

Patch Notes

  • Added frontline logic to prevent unintentionally frequent spawn flips.

Modern Warfare III Multiplayer: History Modernized

What’s your favorite Call of Duty Multiplayer map?

As Call of Duty nears its 20th anniversary, veteran fans could have over 100 potential answers to that question, and that’s not including the 16 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer maps that debuted in 2009 — one of the greatest Day One Multiplayer offerings of all time.

Afghan. Derail. Estate. Favela. Karachi. Highrise. Invasion. Quarry. Rundown. Rust. Scrapyard. Skidrow. Sub Base. Terminal. Underpass. Wasteland.

As previously revealed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III will launch with meticulously crafted, modernized versions of these 16 Core Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps, constructed to maintain the authenticity and accuracy of the originals.

Multiplayer Maps: Then and Now

Fourteen years later, Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward have a wealth of game engine and design tech advancements at their disposal, such as variable-rate shading, and numerous runtime systems for better enemy visibility, to name a few.

These new, ever-advancing technological tools are vital in faithfully re-creating the Modern Warfare 2 (2009) classic maps just as fans remember them.

“There are places where the metrics of the level are adjusted to fit more modern gameplay,” Zach states, “but for the most part, it’s going to feel incredibly similar. The biggest changes are in a fidelity sense.”

In other words, those who played Favela, Terminal, or Scrapyard in 2009 may expect a wave of nostalgia as they encounter the visual updates, and more experienced veterans may appreciate the modernization updates for gameplay flow purposes.

One example is the vehicles lining the streets in various locations throughout the map pool; these are different models compared to the 2009 versions. As you explore these newly modernized maps, you’ll notice other areas have received touches that both improve gameplay and enhance scenic detail and visibility.

Buildings and other features may be a different color or material entirely, such as the old dirt-and-grass soccer pitch in Favela, which is now paved over with blue acrylic-coated blacktop.

And when it comes to lighting, this revision of the game engine truly shines.

The game’s in-game illumination techniques noticeably brighten areas like Favela’s central alleyways, allowing players to see enemy Operators more clearly, rather than have targets blend into the shadows.

However, the most important changes to the 16 Multiplayer Maps aren’t how they look but how they ultimately play.

Because of technological advancements in Call of Duty’s animation and movement techniques over the past 14 years, Operators can Tactical Sprint and leap between rooftops, mantle, and navigate alleyways with Tac-Stance, giving players more confidence during these frenetic, close-quarters engagements.

Essentially, a “modernized” Modern Warfare 2 (2009) map means an authentic Multiplayer experience with learnings from the Call of Duty franchise’s rich history.

Memorable Map Areas Modernized for Modern Warfare III

Many other updates and features are coming to all the maps, though each still retains its authenticity and core design. To that end, all the Modern Warfare III launch maps were built from the ground up (rather than being taken from existing points of interest in other maps, like Al Mazrah).

Prior to more Multiplayer map revelations at Call of Duty: Next on October 5, here’s a brief glimpse at some of the memorable areas contained within a few of the other Modern Warfare III launch maps. Sledgehammer Games’ careful and considerate modernization is set to offer the same maps you remember, but with a refreshing multiplayer experience:


The lake behind the boathouse is now accessible for wetworks. Operators can now maneuver in and under the water and can swim out to a platform overlooking the area. There’s also a greater military presence on the Estate grounds than there was before. While the original lodge offered a luxurious getaway, this one features intel posted on the wall and a tank sitting on the main road outside.


The bookshop is now a movie store, and the ceiling has been repaired; the lights are back on for greater visibility when passing through. Further lighting improvements to areas like the hallway and tunnel ensure that Operators are clearly visible against the environment.


Remember that open pipe jutting out in a corner that many a camper took roost in? It’s been replaced by a small building, keeping the fight out in the open. Also, be sure to take advantage of Rust’s verticality by climbing the center tower and the surrounding containers with greater agility than ever before.


The standard office layout from 2009 has been updated for the new tenant, a company whose arcade machines, movie posters, and video game systems profess their love for entertainment. Though the occupants are different, both buildings retain their most notorious power positions. The crane still provides a killer view from the northern building, while those willing to scale the front of Actibase will be rewarded with an unmatched rooftop position.

20 Maps at Launch, All-New Core Maps Come to Live Seasons

As detailed in the Modern Warfare III Reveal blog, in addition to these 16 authentic modernizations of Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps, Modern Warfare III Multiplayer will also include four massive environments comprising three brand-new Battle Maps — where Ground War and Invasion game modes will be fought against monumental backdrops. There will also be a gargantuan War map as Modern Warfare III marks the welcome return and evolution of the legendary War Mode.

Expect the flow of free post launch content including Core 6v6 Maps and additional Multiplayer content to continue after launch. As previously stated, we’ll have over 12 all-new Core 6v6 Maps in our seasons, with three all-new 6v6 maps hitting in Season 01 and three all-new 6v6 maps hitting in Season 02, along with additional maps and modes throughout future seasons.