PoE Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving

Added a new Mine Mastery, “Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving”, which replaces “You gain 5% increased Area of Effect for each Mine”.

This is a neat addition to Path of Exile’s repertoire of Mine Masteries! Let’s break down this new Mastery and how it changes Detonate Mines functionality:

Old Mastery: You gain 5% increased Area of Effect for each Mine.

  • This mastery rewarded players who placed multiple mines in close proximity by increasing the overall blast radius of the detonation.
  • It encouraged a more "static" playstyle where you strategically placed mines before detonating them.

New Mastery: Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving.

  • This introduces a much more dynamic playstyle for Detonate Mines.
  • You can now detonate any placed mines even while you’re constantly moving, potentially improving your damage uptime and survivability.
  • This mastery caters to a more hit-and-run playstyle where you place mines while dodging enemy attacks and then trigger them while repositioning.

Here’s a look at the potential impact:

  • Increased Mobility: This eliminates the need to stand still to detonate mines, allowing for smoother movement and potentially dodging enemy attacks more effectively.
  • Clear Speed: Faster detonation can potentially improve clear speed, especially in situations where enemies are spread out.
  • Trade-off: You lose the potential area-of-effect increase from the previous mastery. This might be less effective against large groups of tightly packed enemies.

Who might benefit from this Mastery?

  • Players who prefer a more mobile playstyle.
  • Builds focused on clearing maps quickly.
  • Characters that struggle with survivability while using Detonate Mines.

Who might miss the old Mastery?

  • Builds that rely heavily on maximizing the area-of-effect of Detonate Mines for boss encounters.
  • Players who prefer a more tactical, "set-up and detonate" approach.

Ultimately, the choice between these masteries depends on your playstyle and build goals.

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