PoE Currency Starter-Friendly Farming Strategies

Path of Exile offers a vast and complex array of currency farming methods, catering to players of all experience levels and investment. Here’s a breakdown of some popular options, categorized by their accessibility:

Starter-Friendly Strategies:

  • Blight: This league mechanic involves defending pump stations from an onslaught of oil monsters. It’s straightforward, rewarding, and doesn’t require high gear investment.

  • Delirium Mirror: This map modifier spawns mirrored copies of monsters, multiplying loot drops. Paired with the "Beyond" map mod for additional monster density, it can be lucrative with proper setup.

  • Heist Essence: Heists offer targeted farming for specific currency types through their reward rooms. Combining them with Essence monsters in the heist for additional drops can be profitable.

  • League Start Alch and Go: Simply running maps with Alchemy Orbs to increase monster density and pack size is a classic method for steady currency income.

  • Boss Rush: Chaining low-tier Elder and Shaper Guardians for their guaranteed map drops is a reliable way to build a map pool and generate currency through map sales.

Endgame Strategies:

  • Delirium Orbs: Using these Orbs on maps creates a fog that spawns Delirium monsters, offering high rewards but requiring a strong build and careful navigation.

  • Breach: This league mechanic spawns waves of monsters from portals, dropping valuable Breach splinters that can be traded for unique items or currency.

  • Legion: Opening Legion monoliths unleashes waves of Roman soldiers with valuable rewards. It’s challenging but potentially very profitable.

  • City Square Harbinger: Focusing on Harbinger encounters in the City Square map offers high chances of unique item drops and Ancient Orbs, which can be traded for valuable currency.

  • Vaal Temple: Running these challenging temples can yield significant currency rewards from bosses and chests, but requires careful planning and execution.


  • The most effective method depends on your character build, gear, and investment level.
  • Map modifiers like Beyond, Sextants, and Scarabs can significantly increase profitability.
  • Trading unwanted items and currency is crucial for generating wealth.
  • Stay informed about market trends and adjust your farming strategies accordingly.

No matter your approach, Path of Exile’s rewarding currency farming system allows you to steadily progress and acquire the gear and resources you need to conquer its toughest challenges. So, experiment, strategize, and enjoy the grind!

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