PoE Lilting Melody

Lilting Melody

Lilting Melody BoonLiltingMelodyIconMinor BoonsGain 150 Inspiration if you complete the next room without losing Resolve or Inspiration
Lilting Melody BoonLiltingMelodyIconMinor BoonsGain 150 Inspiration if you complete the next 2 rooms without losing Resolve or Inspiration

Above your inspiration bar, major boons are grouped in a symbol with a very thick and bright yellow bordered boon symbol, while all minor boons are grouped in a plain yellow bordered boon symbol. Boons are shown when hovering the according symbol.

Boons grant various benefits to your Sanctum run and can help recover or mitigate damage to your Resolve, increase your Aureus and rewards, debuff monsters, grant Inspiration, or provide other helpful buffs.

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