PoE Atlas Tree Reset

The Atlas Passive Tree in Path of Exile can be reset in two ways, depending on the context:

1. Within the League:

  • Orb of Unmaking: You can use an Orb of Unmaking to respec your currently allocated Atlas passives for free within the same league. These Orbs drop from various sources, including Eldritch Altars, Ritual chests, and Syndicate encounters.
  • Leagues with Respec Mechanics: Some leagues introduce unique Atlas respec mechanics. For example, Sentinel league offered the "Sentinel Tree Refresh" option for changing your specialization. These mechanics are specific to the individual league and may not be available in all future leagues.

2. Between Leagues:

  • New League Start: When a new league begins, your entire Atlas progress and allocated passives are reset. You’ll start fresh with a blank Atlas and have to progress through it again, allocating new passives based on your current goals and build.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Cost: Orbs of Unmaking can be valuable, so use them strategically. Consider the potential value of the current Atlas configuration versus the benefit of respeccing before deciding to use one.
  • League Differences: Atlas Passive Trees can change between leagues, so passives you allocated in the previous league may not be available in the next. Be prepared to adapt your strategy and allocation decisions when a new league begins.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different Atlas tree configurations. Respeccing is readily available within a league, so use it to find the setup that works best for you.

For assistance with respecing your Atlas tree or choosing the best passives for your current situation, feel free to share details about your current progress, build capabilities, and goals within the league or for the upcoming league. I’m happy to help you navigate the complexities of the Atlas Passive Tree and optimize your mapping experience!

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