Palworld Pals Not Working When Away From Base

Unfortunately, it’s a known issue in Palworld that Pals sometimes stop working efficiently when you’re far away from your base. There are several factors contributing to this and some potential solutions you can try:

Rendering Limitations:

  • The game prioritizes rendering nearby objects and actions. When you’re far away, your base and Pals might not be fully rendered, affecting their animations and actions.

Server Strain:

  • With a large map and numerous players, the server might struggle to handle all actions simultaneously. When you’re offline, the server prioritizes active players, potentially slowing down your Pals’ work.

Alternative Solutions:

1. Reduce Distance:

  • Try minimizing the distance between yourself and your base. Working within the same general area can improve communication with the server and ensure your Pals are fully rendered.

2. Optimize Base Design:

  • Design your base compactly with Pals’ work areas close together. This minimizes travel time and potential pathfinding issues.

3. Utilize Dedicated Servers:

  • If you have your own server or rent a dedicated one, allocate more CPU and RAM resources to ensure smooth operation even when you’re offline.

4. Explore Community Solutions:

  • Check online forums and communities for discussions and potential workarounds shared by other players. Some might involve specific base layouts or server settings adjustments.

5. Report the Issue:

  • If none of these solutions work effectively, consider reporting the issue to the Palworld developers. Provide details about your setup, distance from the base, and any observed behavior of your Pals. This can help them identify and address the problem in future updates.

Important Note:

  • Be cautious of any online suggestions involving mods or exploits that claim to "fix" this issue. Using unauthorized modifications can violate game rules and lead to penalties. Stick to officially supported solutions and report any suspicious suggestions.

Remember, these are ongoing challenges in Palworld, and while some workarounds and optimizations can help, a permanent solution might require further development efforts from the game’s creators. Be patient and report your experience to contribute to improving the overall gameplay experience.

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