Palworld Frostallion Noct Locationc

Unfortunately, you cannot find Frostallion Noct in the wild in Palworld. It’s not an encounter you can stumble upon while exploring different areas.

The only way to obtain Frostallion Noct is through breeding! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Acquire a Frostallion: This Ice-type Legendary Pal can be found as an Alpha Boss battle in the Astral Mountains at coordinates (-357, 508) east of the Land of Absolute Zero fast travel point.
  2. Capture a Helzephyr: This Dark-type Pal only appears at night, flying in the central section of your map, right above the region covered in red rocks. You’ll need to craft a Giga or Hyper Pal Sphere to catch a Helzephyr since it usually appears as a stronger Level 25 creature.
  3. Set up a Breeding Farm: Ensure you have a Breeding Farm built and equipped with one Cake per egg desired.
  4. Assign the parents: Place both Frostallion and Helzephyr in the Breeding Farm. Make sure they are opposite genders to enable breeding.
  5. Wait for the egg: The Breeding Farm’s Egg meter will gradually fill up. Once it’s complete, a special egg containing a Frostallion Noct will be produced.
  6. Hatch the egg: Keep the egg warm in an Incubator until it hatches, and voila! You’ll have your very own Frostallion Noct.

Remember, this process might take some time and resources, but the unique abilities and flying capabilities of Frostallion Noct make it worth the effort!

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