Palworld Faleris Location

Faleris, the majestic fire-type Pal, boasts impressive speed and fiery attacks, making it a sought-after companion in Palworld. While breeding offers customization options, finding one in the wild can be an exciting adventure. Here’s where you can encounter this fiery friend:


Faleris primarily resides in the Wildlife Sanctuary 3, a heavily fortified island located in the northeast corner of the Palworld map. Be prepared for scorching heat and potentially aggressive encounters with militant human patrols protecting the area.


Look for a distinctive creature resembling a large, red fox with fiery accents and a flowing mane. Its fiery tail is a sure giveaway, especially when used in attacks.


  • Scarcity: Faleris is a rare spawn within Wildlife Sanctuary 3, requiring patience and persistence to find one.
  • Environment: The harsh desert climate and militant patrols can pose hazards. Come prepared with heat-resistant gear and defensive measures.
  • Capture Difficulty: Due to its rarity and potential attacks, capturing a Faleris can be challenging. Stock up on Capture Balls and strategize your approach.


  • Breeding: If encountering Faleris proves difficult, consider breeding one using an Anubis and Vanwyrm as mentioned in my previous response.


  • Explore the entire Wildlife Sanctuary 3 thoroughly, keeping an eye out for Faleris’ fiery markings.
  • Consider joining forces with other players for increased capture success and protection against patrols.
  • Utilize items that can attract or weaken fire-type Pals to potentially lure out a Faleris.

Remember, the thrill of the hunt is part of the Palworld experience! With perseverance and the right approach, you’ll soon have your own fiery companion by your side.

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