MW3 Renetti Handgun with Full-Auto Carbine - Modern Warfare 3

Renetti Handgun with Full-Auto Carbine

Renetti Handgun with Full-Auto Carbine - MW3

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Renetti Handgun with Full-Auto Carbine - MW3

Through use of 3D-printed parts, you can convert the burst-fire Renetti into a full-auto Handgun reminiscent of an SMG. Gain increased bullet velocity, range, and rate of fire at the cost of some mobility and recoil control. The conversion also supports Tactical Stance, unavailable with the base model, offering greater options in how you approach each fight.

Pair the Conversion Kit with a larger Magazine to minimize reloads and you’ll be firmly in SMG territory. Add a Barrel to further extend your damage range, or focus on hip-firing improvements for fighting at top speed.

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