MW3 Completionist Camos - Modern Warfare 3

Completionist Camos (MP, MWZ, Mastery)

MW3 Completionist Camos

Modern Warfare III also introduces a total of 12 additional Completionist Camos to unlock (in three sets of four) as well as the four Completionist Camos from MWII. These have rules regarding which weapon they can be applied to, and sets of unlock criteria which are detailed later in this article. Before we detail the full complement of camos on offer, here are the confirmed Completionist Camos:

MW3 Completionist Camos

 Multiplayer: Carry Forward (above): Modern Warfare II Weapons: Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic*, Orion*.

MW3 Completionist Camos

Multiplayer (NEW, above): Modern Warfare III Weapons: Gilded, Forged, Priceless*, Interstellar*.

MW3 Completionist Camos

Zombies (NEW, above): Modern Warfare II Weapons: Golden Ivory, Spinel Husk, Arachnida*, Bioluminescent*.

MW3 Completionist Camos

Zombies (NEW, above): Modern Warfare III Weapons: Golden Enigma, Zircon Scale, Serpentinite*, Borealis*.

(*Denotes the camo is animated)

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Completionist Camos (MWII, MWIII)

  • Once each Base Camo is unlocked for an individual weapon, the Completionist Camos can be unlocked via additional Challenges.
  • There are 16 different Completionist (“Mastery”) camos in MWIII. They are divided into groups of four:
    • Multiplayer (Carry Forward): There are the four returning from MWII.
    • Multiplayer: There are four new camos for MWIII weapons.
    • Zombies: There are four new camos for MWII weapons.
    • Zombies: There are four new camos for MWIII weapons.
  • Each weapon also has its own set of Mastery Challenges (for additional Calling Cards, Emblems, and a Charm).
  • The Carry Forward Completionist Camos have the same unlock criteria as in MWII.
  • The new Completionist Camos have a variety of unlocks more individually tailored to the weapon’s playstyle.

Completionist Camo Unlocks Totals (912, Estimated and Subject to Change)

MWII MP Weapons (77 x 4) = 308

MWIII MP Weapons (37 x 4) = 148

MWII MWZ Weapons (77 x 4) = 308

MWIII MWZ Weapons (37 x 4) = 148

MWIII Total Completionist Camo Unlocks: 912*

(* 308 Completionist Camo Unlocks Carry Forward, 604 are brand new)

Note: The totals are estimated, and will further increase as additional weapons are added to the game.