Rapport -- Lost Ark Server Merge


  • Rapport Quest Completion and Rapport Dialogue - Union
    • If at least one server has a claimable reward, and the same reward has never been claimed in another, it will remain claimable after the merge.
  • Rapport Level, Rapport Points, Rapport Grade - Max

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Roster Merge FAQ

For players who have rosters on more than one server merging into each other, here’s how we plan on handling items, progression, and rosters together. With some exceptions, the majority of items and systems can be categorized by the following policies:

  • Max - The items/system are set to the highest value found on either roster.
  • Min - The items/system are set to the lowest value found on either roster.
  • Sum - Both roster’s values are added together.
  • Union - The items/system are added together, with duplicates being removed.
  • Reset - The system is reconfigured to the default value.

Server Merge Guide

Vanquishing the myriad of threats invading Arkesia often requires a group to team-up, and some servers have fewer heroes than others. This week’s September 7 update includes key back-end tech changes that will allow us to implement server merges. To ensure players in every server are able to reliably participate in world-specific content (Field Bosses, Co-op Sailing Missions, Guild content, etc.) we plan to kick-off the first round of server merges immediately following the September 28 update.

Server merges will be straightforward for players who have a roster of characters on one of the servers (they’ll just need to log-in to the new server), but players who have a roster on both servers will have their rosters combined. If you’re one of these players, find our plan for combining your rosters below list of planned merges.