Last Epoch Which Timeline To Unlock

Choosing which Timeline to unlock in Last Epoch depends on several factors, including your current character build, playstyle preferences, and goals at the moment. Here are some key considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Character Build and Gear:

  • Early Game: If you’re still in the early stages of the game and haven’t fully developed your character, consider choosing Timelines that favor your Mastery’s strengths and allow you to easily acquire gear that aligns with your build. For example, if you’re playing a Sentinel, Timelines like "The Crumbling Tower" (physical damage focus) or "The Fall of the Outcasts" (melee combat focus) might be good starting points.
  • Later Game: Once you have a well-established build and gear set, you may want to prioritize Timelines based on specific rewards they offer, such as unique crafting materials or exclusive echo form rewards.

Playstyle Preferences:

  • Story and Lore: If you’re more interested in experiencing the main storyline and lore, prioritize Timelines that advance the narrative. Check online resources for information about which Timelines contribute most to the central story.
  • Challenge and Difficulty: If you enjoy pushing your limits and facing difficult content, opt for Timelines with challenging layouts, powerful enemies, or modifiers that increase difficulty. Be warned – these Timelines might require a well-developed character with optimized gear.
  • Farming Specific Rewards: If you’re looking for specific crafting materials, unique items, or echo form rewards, research which Timelines offer the highest drop chance for those items. Online resources can help with this.

Additional Factors:

  • Echo Modifiers: Each Timeline run has randomly generated modifiers that can significantly impact gameplay. Consider the listed modifiers before entering a Timeline, as some might be easier or more suited to your current build and goals.
  • Corruption Level: Standard Timelines have a maximum corruption level of 50, while Empowered Timelines start at 100 and have no cap. Choose a Timeline based on your desired difficulty and risk/reward balance. Higher corruption allows for better potential rewards but also significantly increases encounter difficulty.

Here’s a starting suggestion:

  • For new players in the early stages of the game, it’s generally recommended to prioritize Timelines that align with their Mastery’s strengths and offer straightforward enemy encounters for smooth progression.

Remember, there’s no single "best" Timeline to unlock in Last Epoch. Experimenting with different options based on your current needs and preferences is key to finding what works best for you and enjoying the diverse content the game has to offer!

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Choosing which Timeline to unlock in Last Epoch depends on several factors, including your current character build, playing style, and specific goals. Here’s a breakdown of some key aspects to consider:

Early Game:

  • During the early stages of the game, it’s generally recommended to unlock Timelines following the main storyline. This ensures you experience the narrative progression and encounter monsters appropriate for your character’s level.

Mid Game:

  • Once you have a better understanding of your build’s strengths and weaknesses, you can start exploring different Timelines based on their specific characteristics:
    • Focus on damage and clear speed: Consider Timelines with modifiers that increase monster density or grant bonus experience, allowing you to level up and acquire gear faster.
    • Challenge yourself and improve your skills: Timelines with challenging modifiers that test your build’s survivability and adaptability can help you hone your gameplay skills.
    • Target specific items or resources: Some Timelines offer unique Echo rewards that can benefit your desired build or playstyle. Research potential rewards before choosing a Timeline.

Late Game:

  • At higher levels, you can explore Empowered Timelines for the ultimate challenge and the potential for the best rewards:
    • Shade of Orobyss Spawns: These powerful superbosses have a chance to appear in Empowered Monoliths at 200 corruption and above, offering unique and valuable loot.
    • Greater Loot Potential: Empowered Timelines generally have a higher chance of dropping rare, unique, and exalted items.

Additional Tips:

  • Utilize online resources like or the Last Epoch wiki to learn about specific Timelines, their modifiers, and potential rewards.
  • Don’t hesitate to experiment with different Timelines to discover which ones suit your playstyle and current goals.
  • You can always revisit previously unlocked Timelines later in the game with a different character build or to farm specific resources.

Ultimately, the choice of which Timeline to unlock in Last Epoch is up to you and your individual preferences. By considering the factors mentioned above and utilizing available resources, you can make informed decisions that contribute to your character’s development and overall enjoyment of the game.

Choosing the best "timeline to unlock" in Last Epoch depends on your current goals and character build. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Character Level and Progression:

  • Early Game: If you’re new to the game, prioritize unlocking Timelines with lower difficulty levels (around level 50-60) to ensure a smooth learning experience and gradual character progression. Examples include The Autumn’s Fall, The Shifting Sands, and The Sunken Library.
  • Mid Game: Once your character is better established (around level 70-80), you can explore Timelines with moderate difficulty (around level 70-80) for more challenging encounters and potentially better rewards. Examples include The Shattered Grove and The Endless Corridors.
  • Late Game: When your character is well-equipped and powerful (level 80+), you can unlock higher difficulty Timelines (level 90+) for the greatest challenges and the potential for the best rewards. Examples include The Last Ruin, The Age of Winter, and Spirits of Fire.

Specific Goals:

  • Story Progression: Main story quests often lead you to specific Timelines to progress the narrative. Follow the quest markers to determine which Timeline to unlock next.
  • Farming Specific Gear or Resources: Some Timelines have higher drop rates for specific gear pieces, crafting materials, or resources you might need for your build. Research online resources or consult the Last Epoch wiki to find Timelines with the desired drops.
  • Challenge and Experience: If you simply want the most challenging encounters and highest potential experience gain, choose Timelines with higher difficulty levels and potentially experiment with Empowered Monoliths at the end-game.

General Tips:

  • Unlock Timelines sequentially: While jumping ahead is technically possible, doing it strategically based on your character’s strength is recommended.
  • Experiment with different Timelines: Don’t be afraid to try various options and see what suits your playstyle and current needs.
  • Utilize online resources: Community forums, build guides, and the Last Epoch wiki offer valuable information on specific Timelines, their difficulty, and potential rewards.

Remember, the "best" timeline to unlock depends on your specific situation and playstyle. Make informed decisions based on your current character development and goals to have a smooth and enjoyable Last Epoch experience!

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