Last Epoch Gold Farm

In Last Epoch, gold farming can be done in several ways, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. As of today, February 24th, 2024, and considering we’re past the launch of Season 1, here are some popular methods:

High-Level Activities:

  • Empowered Monoliths: These offer a good balance of challenge and reward, especially at higher corruption levels. Focus on clearing efficiently and looting chests for gold drops.
  • Arena: Selling Arena keys can net you decent amounts of gold, especially at higher difficulties. However, this requires a strong build and efficient play.
  • Temporal Sanctum: This endgame activity offers the potential for high gold rewards, but also carries the risk of losing it all if you fail.

Specific Strategies:

  • Targeted Boss Drops: Certain bosses have unique items that sell well on the market. Research current trends and farm those bosses efficiently.
  • Lucrative Areas: Explore areas like Stolen Lance and Rain of Dragons, known for their high density of valuable monsters and chests.
  • Cache Farming: Exploiting a specific mechanic in the Temporal Sanctum allows for infinite cache farming, potentially yielding significant gold. However, this is considered an exploit and might be patched out later.

General Tips:

  • Increase Gold Find: Equip gear and Blessings that boost your gold find percentage.
  • Sell Unneeded Items: Regularly sell items you don’t need, especially uniques and rares.
  • Consider Trading: Participate in the in-game trade system to sell high-value items for more gold.

Additional Resources:

Remember, the "best" gold farm depends on your individual preferences, skill level, and available time. Experiment and find what works best for you!

Disclaimer: I am unable to provide information on exploits, as they can be harmful to the game and its community. The cache farming method mentioned above falls into this category and may be patched out in the future. Please play responsibly and ethically.

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Last Epoch Gold Farming Strategies

Gold is essential in Last Epoch for various purposes like buying gear, crafting, and gambling. While you’ll earn gold naturally as you progress, some methods are more efficient for dedicated farming. Here are some popular strategies depending on your playstyle:

Early Game:

  • Normal Gameplay: Focus on completing the campaign and side quests. This provides a steady stream of gold while allowing you to progress and unlock new areas.
  • Selling Gear: Identify and sell any unwanted gear, especially higher-rarity items, to vendors in towns.

Mid/End Game:

  • Arena: Selling Arena keys can be quite profitable. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards.
  • Empowered Monoliths: Run Empowered Monoliths at a comfortable corruption level. Higher levels offer more loot and gold, but be mindful of the increased difficulty.
  • Boss Drops: Target specific bosses known for dropping valuable items like uniques or sets, then sell them on the market. Popular locations include Stolen Lance and Rain of Dragons.
  • Temporal Sanctum: Challenge yourself in the Temporal Sanctum for a chance at rare rewards and high gold drops.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Cache Farming: This method involves exploiting a specific mechanic in the Temporal Sanctum to farm caches repeatedly. However, it’s considered an exploit and might be patched out in the future.
  • Specific Builds: Some builds excel at farming gold, like minions or high movement speed builds that can clear mobs quickly.

General Tips:

  • Blessings: Use the "Increased Gold Drop" blessing for a passive boost to your gold income.
  • Trading: Utilize the in-game market to buy and sell items at the best prices.
  • Be Efficient: Choose methods that suit your playstyle and maximize your time spent farming.

Remember: The "best" gold farm depends on your individual preferences and character build. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you.

Additional Resources:

I hope this helps!

How to farm more gold in Last Epoch

In Last Epoch, there are several ways to efficiently farm gold, but the "best" method depends on your specific build, gear, and playstyle. Here are some popular options:

High-Level Activities:

  • Empowered Monoliths: These endgame dungeons offer high rewards, including gold, at appropriate corruption levels. Focus on clearing them quickly and efficiently for the best income.
  • Arena: While not strictly gold farming, selling Arena keys can be quite profitable. Consider this if you excel in the arena challenges.
  • Temporal Sanctum: This advanced encounter offers high-risk, high-reward potential, including valuable uniques and legendaries that can be sold for significant gold. However, it requires a strong build and skilled execution.

Specific Strategies:

  • Boss Drops: Some bosses have specific drops that sell well on the market. Research valuable items for your current build and target those bosses in Monoliths.
  • Lucrative Areas: Certain areas, like Stolen Lance and Rain of Dragons, are known for their high monster density and valuable drops, making them good gold farming spots.
  • Cache Exploiting: A specific technique involving resetting a single cache in a Monolith for guaranteed uniques can be lucrative, but it’s a bit of a cheese strategy.

General Tips:

  • Increase Gold Find: Equip gear and Blessings that boost your gold find percentage.
  • Sell Unneeded Gear: Regularly declutter your inventory by selling items you don’t need, especially high-rarity ones.
  • Consider Trading: Look for valuable items to trade with other players for even higher profits.


Remember, the most efficient method depends on your specific situation. Experiment with different approaches and find what works best for you!

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