Last Epoch Change Specialization

In Last Epoch, unfortunately, you cannot directly change your character’s specialization once chosen during character creation and the beginning of the campaign. This decision is permanent for the life of that specific character.

Here’s a breakdown of the limitations:

  • Locked Masteries: Each character is permanently linked to the chosen Mastery and its associated skill tree.
  • No In-Game Option: There is no option within the game to directly swap or change your character’s Mastery after initial selection.

Alternatives to Consider:

  1. Start a New Character: If you’re keen on exploring a different Mastery, your best option is to create a new character and choose the desired Mastery during character creation. This allows you to experience the unique skill tree, passive options, and playstyle associated with that specific Mastery.
  2. Experiment Within Mastery: While not directly changing specializations, you can experiment and optimize your character within the chosen Mastery using various approaches:
    • Passive points: Utilize passive points strategically within the Mastery tree to enhance specific aspects of your character build, potentially achieving a playstyle somewhat resembling your desired specialization.
    • Itemization: Explore the various items and gear available in the game. Certain equipment can offer bonuses and effects that can compensate for the limitations of your chosen specialization and potentially nudge your playstyle closer to your desired one.
    • Rethinking Playstyle: Analyze the skills and passives within your chosen Mastery and adapt your playstyle to maximize their effectiveness. You might discover hidden potential and unexpected synergies within the existing options.


The chosen Mastery provides a foundation for your character, but it doesn’t restrict you from exploring different facets of gameplay. By utilizing alternative approaches like passive point allocation, exploring itemization, and adapting your playstyle, you can still create a unique and engaging character experience within the limitations of your chosen Mastery.

If you have further questions or require additional information about specific Masteries and their playstyles, feel free to ask!

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In Last Epoch, directly changing your character’s specialization (Mastery) is not possible. Once you choose a Mastery during character creation, it remains permanent for that specific character. This decision significantly impacts your character’s playstyle and available skill tree.

However, there are alternative approaches to explore if you’re dissatisfied with your chosen Mastery:

1. Start a New Character:

  • This is the most straightforward approach if you fundamentally want to experience a different Mastery. Create a new character and choose the desired Mastery during character creation.

2. Rethink your Playstyle:

  • While you can’t directly change your Mastery, explore the versatility within your chosen Mastery. Experiment with different skill combinations, passive selections, and gear options. This can significantly modify your character’s playstyle and abilities, potentially offering a satisfying experience that aligns with your preferences without requiring a full specialization change.

3. Research and Adapt:

  • Utilize online resources like build guides, forums, and community discussions to gain insights into your chosen Mastery. Learn about different playstyles and skill combinations that might resonate with your desired approach. Adapting within your current Mastery can offer a satisfying gameplay experience without needing a complete switch.

4. Consider Future Updates:

  • The developers haven’t officially commented on the possibility of adding the ability to change Masteries in the future. However, stay informed about potential updates and keep an open mind regarding future possibilities within the game.

Important Note:

While directly changing specializations isn’t currently possible, remember that Last Epoch offers a vast amount of customization within each Mastery. Exploring these options and utilizing readily available resources can lead to a fulfilling and enjoyable gameplay experience even with your initial chosen Mastery.

In Last Epoch, you cannot directly change your character’s specialization once chosen during character creation. This decision is permanent for the life of that specific character. However, there are alternative approaches to explore your desired playstyle without switching specializations:

Alternatives to Consider:

  1. Experiment with Passive Points:
  • Each Mastery offers a unique skill tree with various passive skills. Explore the available options within your chosen Mastery and invest your passive points strategically to modify your character’s playstyle and strengths. You can potentially achieve a configuration that resembles your desired specialization without directly changing it.
  1. Utilize Different Skills:
  • Explore the full range of skills available in your Mastery and experiment with different skill combinations. You might find that specific skill combinations, coupled with appropriate passive point allocation, can create a playstyle that aligns somewhat with your desired specialization.
  1. Itemization:
  • While not directly impacting your specialization, the items you equip can significantly influence your character’s playstyle. Look for items with stats and modifiers that complement your desired specialization build and enhance its effectiveness.
  1. Start a New Character:
  • If you’re truly committed to exploring a different specialization and its unique playstyle, creating a new character and choosing the desired Mastery is the most straightforward approach. This allows you to fully experience the specialization and its potential without limitations imposed by your initial choice.

Additional Notes:

  • The developers haven’t officially commented on the possibility of adding the ability to directly change specializations in the future.
  • While permanent, the chosen specialization doesn’t restrict you from interacting with or utilizing skills and items associated with other Masteries.

Remember, choosing a Mastery is a crucial step in Last Epoch, and researching different options beforehand can help you find one that suits your desired playstyle. While directly changing specializations isn’t possible, the alternative approaches mentioned above can provide avenues to explore and potentially achieve a playstyle that aligns with your preferences within the limitations of your chosen Mastery.

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