FFXIV Ktisis Hyperboreia Painting

Ktisis Hyperboreia Painting

A painting of Ktisis Hyperboreia based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.

Icon Name Vista # Location Emote
Ktisis Hyperboreia 035 Elpis – Ethoseletikos BoreasKtisis Hyperboreia (X14.9-Y7.3)
  • Material type: Painting
  • Rarity: Basic
  • Cost: 1,000 Gil
  • Sells to vendors for Gil: 30
  • Patch: 6.1
Ktisis Hyperboreia Painting

How to get Ktisis Hyperboreia Painting?

Joyous Painter is a Hyur found in Idyllshire. You can purchase this item from him.

Vendor Location / Coordinates Cost
Joyous Painter
Purchase Paintings (The World Unsundered)
Idyllshire (4.5, 6.4) 1,000x Gil

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Sightseeing Log: Ktisis Hyperboreia

Impression: As I soaked in all that lay at the end of Dawn’s journey, I found my gaze drawn in one particular direction. Entranced, I reached for my quill and parchment…

Description: The most extensive facility in Elpis, Ktisis Hyperboreia is a sprawling complex of magically simulated environs. Concepts awaiting evaluation are brought here for the last stages of observation, and, upon meeting the appropriate criteria, are finally released into the world at large.

Sightseeing Log: Ktisis Hyperboreia

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