PoE Increased chance for Prefix or Suffix Modifiers – Necropolis Crafting Modifiers

PoE Challenge 3.24: Craft Equipment in The Necropolis while using the following Crafting Modifiers resulting in an Item Level 81 or higher item.

Increased chance for Prefix or Suffix Modifiers

  • 100% increased chance for Prefix Modifiers
  • 300% increased chance for Prefix Modifiers
  • 100% increased chance of Suffix Modifiers
  • 300% increased chance of Suffix Modifiers

These modifiers from Path of Exile’s Necropolis league influenced the outcome of the “Exorcising” process, where you used monster corpses to craft items. They specifically affected the weighting of prefixes and suffixes on the resulting crafted item.

Understanding Prefixes and Suffixes:

  • Affixes: These are the individual stats or effects rolled onto a rare or crafted item. They are categorized as either prefixes or suffixes.
  • Prefixes: These typically occupy the first three affix slots on an item and often grant offensive or utility modifiers like increased physical damage, critical strike chance, or elemental resistances.
  • Suffixes: These typically occupy the last three affix slots on an item and often grant defensive or character-specific modifiers like life regeneration, mana regeneration, or increased elemental damage taken as another element.

Increased Chance Modifiers:

  • 100% or 300% Increased Chance: This refers to the increased weighting given to either prefixes or suffixes during the crafting process.
  • Impact:
    • 100% Increased Chance: This doubles the chance of rolling a prefix or suffix compared to the normal weighting.
    • 300% Increased Chance: This triples the chance of rolling a prefix or suffix compared to the normal weighting.

Crafting Strategy:

These modifiers allowed for targeted crafting approaches:

  • Forcing Prefixes or Suffixes: If you were looking for specific crafted items with a focus on offensive or defensive stats (typically found in prefixes or suffixes), these modifiers could significantly increase your chances of getting the desired outcome.
  • Balancing Affixes: If a base item already had some prefixes or suffixes, using the opposite increased chance modifier could help balance the distribution of affixes on the final crafted item.

Necropolis and Crafting Mechanics:

It’s important to remember Necropolis was a temporary league with unique crafting mechanics. While some core mechanics like prefixes and suffixes remain in Path of Exile, the current crafting system might be different.

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