FFXIV Endwalker Quest

Endwalker (Quest) is a FFXIV Endwalker main scenario quest. The Scions of the Seventh Dawn stand ready for the finale. — In-game description.

Endwalker (Quest)

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FFXIV Endwalker (Quest)

  • Quest giver: Alphinaud
  • Location: Ultima Thule - Ostrakon Hena - Absolute Horizon (x:21.6, y:21.6)
  • Closest Aetheryte: Base Omicron
  • Gil:  5,000
  • Guaranteed: Argos Horn, Wind-up Herois, Endwalker – Footfalls Orchestrion Roll, Flow Orchestrion Roll
  • Previous quest: You're Not Alone
  1. Use the Duty Finder or Trust to enter the Dead Ends.
  2. Use the Duty Finder or Trust to enter the Dead Ends.
  3. Use the Duty Finder to confront the Endsinger in the Final Day.
  4. Use the Duty Finder to confront the Endsinger in the Final Day.
  5. Defeat Zenos.
  6. Defeat Zenos.
  7. Speak with your comrades. 0/8
  8. Speak with Tataru.
  • The Dead Ends
  • The Final Day
  • That Its Chorus Might Ring for All

The Dead Ends is a level 90 dungeon introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.

The Final Day is a level 90 trial introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.

That Its Chorus Might Ring for All is an achievement.

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  • The Scions of the Seventh Dawn stand ready for the finale.
  • Having come this far together, everyone's resolve is beyond doubt, and there is little left to say. All that remains is to sally forth into the Dead Ends on your way to your reckoning with Meteion.
※Speak with your companion NPCs outside the instance entrance if you wish to enlist them for this duty.
※Use the Duty Finder if you wish to complete the instance alongside fellow players.
  • With your staunch comrades at your side, you cut a path through foes born of despair to arrive at the innermost part of the Dead Ends. Just beyond lies the heart of Meteion's dominion, and you steel yourself for the confrontation to come.
※In the event that you leave the area, you may return from Absolute Horizon in Ultima Thule.
  • After a journey through time immemorial and space immeasurable, you finally come face-to-face with the true Meteion. The familiar marshals the despair of countless ruined stars to arise as the Endsinger, and unleashes her might against you. Though you fight resolutely, one after another your comrades are overpowered, and it is all you can do to activate your teleporter and deliver them to safety. Just when it seems you must contend with your fearsome foe alone, help arrives in the most unexpected of forms─Zenos as a dragon. Though his foremost desire as ever remains glorious battle with you, he lends you his wings that you might first dispense with the distraction. Thus do you take to the air, to silence the song of oblivion once and for all.
※The Final Day can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • In a struggle between hope and despair, the stakes no less than the continued existence of life itself, the Endsinger brings her all to bear against you. More than once, the mighty being pushes you beyond your limits, but given strength by the prayers of your comrades, you weather the relentless onslaught to deliver the decisive blow. In defeat the Endsinger falls, and you descend after her.
※In the event that you leave the area, you may return from Absolute Horizon in Ultima Thule.
  • Amidst an endless darkness, you find Meteion alone, as the familiar she once was. You share with her all that you felt during your journeys─from sweetest triumphs to bitterest defeats─and by this act, she finally finds the answer which she had sought all along. Filled with joy for the discovery and remorse for her deeds, she offers to sing one last song before she falls forever silent─a song of hope unbridled─and creates a path to deliver you back to your comrades. But ere you leave, Zenos arrives to issue you challenge. Though he allows you the choice to walk away, it is past time to put an end to this chapter─and him.
  • At the end of a grueling encounter, you succeed in laying Zenos low and gifting him the bliss for which he hungered. However, you succumb to your own injuries and collapse to the ground. Your opponent breathes his last, and it seems you are destined to share his grave at the edge of existence...
  • Miracles happen every day. And this day, a miracle─one borne upon hopes, perhaps─has delivered you unto the Ragnarok, where you awaken surrounded by caring comrades. Though you have felt better, you are very much alive, and make a triumphant return to beautiful Etheirys, having delivered salvation to the world.
Some time later, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn gather at the Rising Stones for the final time. For as has been decided, the order shall disband─albeit only in appearance. Having done its part to usher in lasting change, it will retreat from plain sight, and instead work unobtrusively to solve the problems that plague the realm. Ere you and your comrades go your separate ways, Tataru bids everyone leave no preparations undone or words unsaid.
  • You take a moment to speak with each of your comrades, and hear their respective plans and aspirations. Though your destinations be disparate, and you will work apart for the foreseeable future, ever will you be united by your unseverable ties as Scions. Having said all that needs be said, you turn to inform Tataru that you are ready to set forth.
  • Thus are the Final Days averted, and the curtain falls on a tale spanning eons. Gone are those ancient gods who had steered the course of the world, and none can say what lies ahead. Yet one thing is certain: where there is life, there is hope. A light that pierces the deepest darkness. And so long as we hold fast to it, ever will we shine a way unto the morrow. Bearing the memories of your journey thus far, of those whose lives you have touched, and who have touched you in turn, you look forward to the tales still to come.

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