Did PoE Currency Drops Get Nerfed? – Path of Exile 3.24

As of my last update, there hasn’t been an official announcement from Grinding Gear Games (GGG) about a nerf to the drop rates of currency items in Path of Exile (PoE). However, changes to currency drop rates can sometimes occur as part of larger balance updates or alongside the introduction of new leagues, which might not always be explicitly detailed in patch notes.

In PoE, the perception of currency drops can also be influenced by several factors:

  1. League Mechanics: Some leagues introduce mechanics that significantly increase the amount of loot dropped, including currency. When transitioning from such a league to another with less generous mechanics, it can feel as though drop rates have been nerfed.

  2. Player Expectations: Changes in player expectations, especially after playing high-loot environments, can make regular drop rates seem lower by comparison.

  3. Map Modifiers: The modifiers on maps can greatly influence currency drops. Maps with higher quantity and rarity percentages can increase the number of drops, including currency. If you’re running maps with lower or no modifiers, you might notice fewer drops.

  4. RNG Variability: Currency drop rates are subject to RNG, and sometimes luck just isn’t on your side. Periods of perceived droughts are common and can give the impression that drop rates have been adjusted.

If you’re concerned about potential nerfs or changes to the currency drop rates, here are a few steps you can take:

  • Check Official Sources: Keep an eye on the official PoE forums, Reddit, and the latest patch notes for any mention of changes to drop rates.
  • Community Feedback: Look at the community’s feedback on platforms like Reddit, the PoE forums, and Discord servers. If many players are sharing similar experiences, it could indicate a trend.
  • Experiment with Builds: Some builds are better suited for maximizing loot from monsters and containers. Experimenting with such builds might help increase your currency drops.

Remember, PoE is a game that often changes with each league, bringing new content and adjustments to existing mechanics. Keeping up with these changes can help you adapt your strategies for farming and managing currency.

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