Diablo 4 Defeat Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3, summoned beneath the Tree of Whispers with materials from World Tier 3 Whisper Caches

Defeating Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3: A Guide

To conquer the Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3 beneath the Tree of Whispers, you’ll need precise preparation and execution. Here’s a breakdown:


  1. Gather Materials: You’ll need to craft a Foul Invoker of Varshan. This requires:
    • A standard Invoker of Varshan: Obtain this by defeating Echo of Varshan in World Tier 1 or 2 using a regular Invoker crafted from Malignant Tunnel drops.
    • 50 Sigil Powder: Dismantle Nightmare Sigils earned through Nightmare events.
  2. Choose your World Tier: Set your World Tier to 3 before entering the Tree of Whispers.
  3. Gear Up: Optimize your gear and skills for maximum damage and survivability. Focus on abilities that counter Varshan’s attacks and movement skills to dodge efficiently.
  4. Stock Up: Fill your inventory with healing potions and other consumables.

Summon and Fight:

  1. Reach the Malignant Burrow: Beneath the Tree of Whispers, locate the dark hole leading to the burrow.
  2. Summon Varshan: Go to the altar and interact with it, consuming your Foul Invoker. The enraged Echo of Varshan will appear.
  3. Recognize the Attacks:
    • Tentacle Lashes: Dodge or interrupt these telegraphed melee attacks.
    • Putrid Projectiles: Avoid the green bile projectiles fired from his maw.
    • Floor Dance: Watch for pink circles appearing on the ground. Dodge the explosion in the highlighted areas.
    • Malignant Minions: Varshan summons three minions. Kill the one he channels power towards to prevent him from healing.
  4. Maintain the Offensive: Stay aggressive and dish out maximum damage while avoiding his attacks. Utilize mobility skills to stay agile.
  5. Stay Healed: Use potions and defensive abilities to recover during the fight.
  6. Persevere: The battle will be challenging, but patience and precise execution will lead to victory.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider grouping up with experienced players for increased firepower and support.
  • Learn the attack patterns for each World Tier version of Varshan to anticipate his moves.
  • Utilize your class’s strengths and unique abilities to your advantage.

By following these steps and adapting to the fight, you’ll have a strong chance of vanquishing the Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3 and claiming your well-deserved rewards. Remember, preparation and skill are key to triumphing over this formidable foe.

Good luck, adventurer!

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