PoE Devoted To Prospero

Devoted to Prospero is a beneficial modifier you can encounter in Path of Exile. It’s definitely a good thing to come across!

Here’s a quick rundown of what Devoted to Prospero does:

  • It appears in the Necropolis.
  • It replaces a Haunted modifier on the Lantern.
  • By killing monsters with higher tier Haunted modifiers, you increase your chances of getting Devoted to Prospero in future zones.
  • Devoted to Prospero offers benefits like increased loot rarity or quantity, more experience gain, or even special behaviors from monsters when they die.

Overall, Devoted to Prospero is a great way to boost your rewards while exploring the Necropolis. Keep an eye out for it!

PoE Devoted To Prospero

12. Devout Disciples(7)

Defeat Rare Monsters with any 7 of the following types of Devoted Modifiers

Devoted Modifier Chance atlas skill: The Lantern of Arimor has 10% increased chance for Devoted Modifiers. Devout Pursuit atlas notable: The Lantern of Arimor has 30% increased chance for Devoted Modifiers.

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