How to Defeat an Act Boss in Path of Exile

How to Defeat an Act Boss

Defeating Act Bosses in Path of Exile is a crucial step in progressing through the campaign. Here's a breakdown to help you conquer them:


  1. Gear and Level: Ensure your gear is up-to-date and appropriate for your level. Ideally, you want to be at least a few levels above the recommended level for the act before tackling the boss.

  2. Resistances: Having sufficient elemental resistances (Fire, Cold, Lightning) is vital. Aim for at least 75% elemental resistances for most acts.

  3. Potions: Stock up on health potions and consider using utility flasks for defense or offense depending on the boss mechanics.

  4. Movement Skill: Having a movement skill like Leap Slam, Flame Dash, or Blink Arrow allows you to dodge attacks and reposition yourself effectively.

  5. Understanding Boss Mechanics: Learn about the specific boss you're facing. Watch videos or read guides to understand their attack patterns and dangerous abilities.

Engaging the Boss:

  1. Locate the Boss Arena: Each act culminates in a boss arena. Follow the quest markers and in-game prompts to find the boss.

  2. Initial Phase: Most bosses have multiple phases with varying attack patterns. Start by observing the boss's attacks and learning how to dodge them effectively.

  3. Damage Dealing: Find windows of opportunity to deal damage to the boss. Don't get greedy and prioritize staying alive over maximizing DPS (damage per second).

  4. Utilize Flasks: Use your flasks strategically during the fight. For example, use a defensive flask when the boss unleashes a powerful attack.

  5. Dealing with Minions: Some bosses have minions that assist them. Prioritize clearing minions if they pose a significant threat or disrupt your ability to attack the boss.

Additional Tips:

  • Don't be afraid to die: Learning boss fights often involves trial and error. Analyze your mistakes and adjust your strategy for the next attempt.
  • Use the Pantheon: The Pantheon system offers various defensive benefits. Choose Pantheon powers that provide benefits against the specific elemental damage type the boss deals.
  • Curse them!: Curses can be powerful tools to weaken bosses. Consider using a curse linked to a Cast on Damage Taken setup to automatically apply a curse when you take damage.
  • Seek help: If you're struggling, don't hesitate to ask for help in-game through global chat or guild chat. You can also join parties through the party finder to tackle the boss together.

By following these tips and preparing adequately, you'll be well on your way to defeating Path of Exile's Act Bosses and progressing through the campaign!

The list of Act 1 - Act 10 Bosses

An act boss is a powerful boss at the end of a storyline act. Defeating it is mandatory in order to progress to the next act.

Name Description
Merveil Merveil, the Siren is the final boss of Act 1, located in the Cavern of Anger. Defeating her is the objective of the quest The Siren’s Cadence.
Vaal Oversoul Vaal Oversoul is the final boss of Act 2, located on the top floor of the Ancient Pyramid. One must use The Apex, or the complete amulet from the quest Deal with the Bandits in the Dark Altar in order to summon it. Defeating it opens the way to Act 3’s City of Sarn.
Dominus Dominus, High Templar is the final boss of act 3, located in The Upper Sceptre of God, on the Tower Rooftop (after climbing 3 or 4 staircases in the Upper Sceptre of God) Upon defeating him, Lady Dialla appears to congratulate the player and opens the way to act 4.
Malachai Malachai, The Nightmare is the final boss of Act 4, located in the Harvest’s Black Core’s final area: The Black Heart. Defeating him allows the player access to Act 5.
Kitava Kitava, the Insatiable is the final boss of Act 5 and Act 10. He is the main antagonist of The Fall of Oriath expansion. The battle consists of multiple phases in which players must damage Kitava, then damage Kitava’s Heart, and this occurs alternatively till Kitava is defeated.
The Brine King Tsoagoth, The Brine King is the final boss of act 6, located in the Brine King’s Reef.
Arakaali Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows is the final boss of act 7, located in the Temple of Decay Level 2. It is an ancient Vaal goddess according to the quest log and NPC dialogues. It is also worshipped by people of Azmerian descent.
Solaris and Lunaris Solaris, Eternal Sun and Lunaris, Eternal Moon are major gods of the pantheon and the final bosses of Act 8. They can be found in the Sky Shrine in the center of The Harbour Bridge once the Moon Orb and Sun Orb have been retrieved from the Solaris and Lunaris temples. Both must be defeated to complete act 8 and gain their pantheon powers.
The Depraved Trinity The Depraved Trinity is the final boss of Act 9, located in The Rotting Core. It’s the combinate power of the three lieutenants of Malachai; Doedre, Maligaro, and Shavronne. The boss would sometimes apply ground effects that inflict Effluents debuffs (red and purple).
Kitava Kitava, the Insatiable is the final boss of Act 5 and Act 10. He is the main antagonist of The Fall of Oriath expansion. The battle consists of multiple phases in which players must damage Kitava, then damage Kitava’s Heart, and this occurs alternatively till Kitava is defeated.

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