D2R Exceptional Bows: Edge Bow

Edge Bow

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Edge Bow

6-19 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 43
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 18*
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N

Exceptional Bows

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Edge Bow

6-19 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 43
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 18*
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N

Razor Bow

8-22 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 62
Item Level: 33
Clvl Req: 21*
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S

Cedar Bow

10-29 Damage
Str Req: 53
Dex Req: 49
Item Level: 35
Clvl Req: 23*
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N

Double Bow

11-26 Damage
Str Req: 58
Dex Req: 73
Item Level: 39
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S

Short Siege Bow

13-30 Damage
Str Req: 65
Dex Req: 80
Item Level: 43
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N

Large Siege Bow

10-42 Damage
Str Req: 85
Dex Req: 95
Item Level: 46
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

Rune Bow

14-35 Damage
Str Req: 73
Dex Req: 103
Item Level: 49
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N

Gothic Bow

10-50 Damage
Str Req: 95
Dex Req: 118
Item Level: 52
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

Exceptional Bows are found in late Normal, and then all through Nightmare and Hell. Prior to v1.08 D2, they were only found on Nightmare and Hell.

* All Exceptional items are Clvl 25 in Diablo II. Some lower-quality ones are slightly lower in D2X.

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