D2R Exceptional Spears: War Spear

War Spear

Image Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

War Spear

10-37 Damage
30 Durability
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 25
Item Level: 33
Clvl Req: 21 *
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-3
Range: 4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: -10
Swing Speed:
Fast: Am
Normal: B/D/N/P/S/
Slow: As

Exceptional Spears

Image Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

War Spear

10-37 Damage
30 Durability
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 25
Item Level: 33
Clvl Req: 21 *
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-3
Range: 4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: -10
Swing Speed:
Fast: Am
Normal: B/D/N/P/S/
Slow: As


19-37 Damage
35 Durability
Str Req: 77
Dex Req: 25
Item Level: 36
Clvl Req: 24 *
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-4
Range: 4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Normal: Am/B
Slow: Am/D/N/P/S/
Very Slow: As

War Fork

16-40 Damage
28 Durability
Str Req: 80
Dex Req: 95
Item Level: 41
Clvl Req: 26
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-5
Range: 5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: -20
Swing Speed:
Fast: Am/B/D/P/S
Normal: As/N


29-46 Dmg (29-59)
28 Durability
Str Req: 101
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 44
Clvl Req: 26
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-6
Range: 5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Normal: Am/B
Slow: D/N/P/S/
Very Slow: As


27-114 Damage
25 Durability
Str Req: 110
Dex Req: 88
Item Level: 47
Clvl Req: 26
D2 Sockets: 3
D2X Sockets: 1-6
Range: 5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 20
Swing Speed:
Slow: Am
Very Slow: As/B/D/N/P/S

Exceptional spears are found in Nightmare and Hell in Diablo II, and late normal, and all of NM and Hell in the Expansion. Like all Exceptional weapons, they have more damage and higher requirements than normal gear.

All Exceptional items have a Clvl 25 Requirement in Diablo II.

Note: * All Exceptional items are Clvl 25 in Diablo II. Some are a bit lower in D2X, but none are higher.
Values in () Yari’s do more damage in the Expansion than they do in Diablo II.

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