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How to Farm Diablo 4 Legendary Items

  1. Clear Helltide Events and Open Tortured Gifts
  2. Farm Dungeons with High Elite Spawns
  3. Farm World Events
  4. Gamble with the Purveyor of Curiosities

1. Clear Helltide Events and Open Tortured Gifts

Available only starting in World Tier 3 (Nightmare), Helltide Events will pop up all over Sanctuary. Areas affected by the Helltide appear red on the map, and plenty of tough monsters roam about. Defeat these monsters to earn Aberrant Cinders, allowing you to open Tortured Gifts containing rare items, including Sacred Legendaries.

2. Run Quick Dungeons with High Elite Spawns

While Legendary items only have a certain chance to drop, farming Elite monsters is a consistent way of obtaining them. Dungeons with Bosses at the end also increase the chance of Legendary drops.

If you are playing with a party, you can quickly reset a Dungeon by having the leader leave the party and rejoin. This should boot the leader off the Dungeon, and allow them to enter a new instance. The rest can simply join the leader and run the Dungeon again.

If you are playing solo and you fully cleared a Dungeon, you will need to wait 60 seconds for the Dungeon to reset. During this downtime, you can sell or salvage items at the Blacksmith or stash important gear.

To get around this, you can simply log out to the character select screen and hop right back in. This will reset the dungeon faster than waiting the full reset time.

3. World Event Farming

From our testing, Radiance Field Cemetery, located just south of Kyovashad, is by far the best World Events location for both farming Obols and collecting Item drops, including Legendaries.

The trick is to complete an event, teleport to another location, then step back into the portal to return to this area. This has a high chance of resetting the area with a new World Event, allowing you to chain together repeated instances.

The advantage of this method is that it allows you to farm both Obols and Legendaries simultaneously. The Obols can be gambled at the Purveyor of Curiosities for more Legendaries as explained below.

4. Gambling with the Purveyor of Curiosities

Another way of farming legendary items is by gambling with the Purveyor of Curiosities. She sells mystery items that can be purchased by using Murmuring Obols. Legendary Items are not guaranteed, so it may take you a while to get one by using this method, but the advantage is that you can target specific types of Legendary Aspects, unlike other methods which don’t allow any targeting of a particular Aspect.

5. Targeting Legendary Items

Because each Equipment slot is associated with certain Aspect types, you can increase the chances of obtaining a specific Aspect that you want by purchasing certain equipment types. The list below shows the Equipment types which cost the least and have the smallest possible number of matched Aspects.

Aspect Type Best Equipment Type to Purchase
Offensive ・Offhand (only rolls Offensive Aspects)
Defensive ・Pants (only rolls Defensive Aspects)
Resource ・Ring
Utility ・Boots (Utility or Mobility)
Mobility ・Boots (Utility or Mobility)

D4 Locations -- Diablo IV