PoE Unresolved Anguish Chance 3.25

Unresolved Anguish Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
7Unresolved Anguish ChanceNormal
  • 4% increased chance for Haunted Monsters in your Maps have Unresolved Anguish

Related Atlas Passive Tree

7Unresolved Anguish ChanceNormal
  • 4% increased chance for Haunted Monsters in your Maps have Unresolved Anguish
1An Honest JobNotable
  • Gain Gravekeeper's Boon on collecting a Corpse in your Maps

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Gravekeeper's Boon causes you to consume a nearby Corpse every second to recover 10% of Life and Mana for 30 seconds)
1Geminate HauntingNotable
  • Haunted Monsters with Unresolved Anguish in your Maps have 25% chance to leave an additional Corpse

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