PoE Meta-Modifier Crafting Outcome Chance 3.24

Meta-Modifier Crafting Outcome Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Meta-Modifier Crafting Outcome ChanceNormal
  • Corpses in your Maps have 20% increased chance to have Meta-Modifier crafting outcomes

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Unique Item Crafting Outcome ChanceNormal
  • Corpses in your Maps have 20% increased chance to have Unique Item crafting outcomes
1Meta-Modifier Crafting Outcome ChanceNormal
  • Corpses in your Maps have 20% increased chance to have Meta-Modifier crafting outcomes
1Mod Tier Rating Crafting Outcome ChanceNormal
  • Corpses in your Maps have 5% increased chance to have Modifier Tier Rating crafting outcomes

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