PoE Increased Ritual Reroll Cost and Free Rewards After Reroll Chance 3.25

Increased Ritual Reroll Cost and Free Rewards After Reroll Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Increased Ritual Reroll Cost and Free Rewards After Reroll ChanceNormal
  • Favours Rerolled at Ritual Altars in your Maps have 0.25% chance to cost no Tribute
  • Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 3% reduced Tribute

Related Atlas Passive Tree

2Free Rewards After Reroll ChanceNormal
  • Favours Rerolled at Ritual Altars in your Maps have 0.5% chance to cost no Tribute
2Ritual Reroll CostNormal
  • Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 6% reduced Tribute
1Profitable PrayersNotable
  • Ritual Altars in your Maps allow rerolling Favours 2 additional times
1Flexible DogmaNotable
  • Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 18% reduced Tribute
1Increased Ritual Reroll Cost and Free Rewards After Reroll ChanceNormal
  • Favours Rerolled at Ritual Altars in your Maps have 0.25% chance to cost no Tribute
  • Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 3% reduced Tribute