PoE Cluster Jewel Chance 3.24

Cluster Jewel Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
2Cluster Jewel ChanceNormal
  • Delirium Monsters in your Maps have 10% increased chance to drop Cluster Jewels

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Paranoid FixationNotable
  • Delirious Unique Monsters in your Maps have a 2% chance to drop an additional Cluster Jewel
  • Delirious Unique Monsters in your Maps have a 1% chance to drop an additional Delirium Orb
2Cluster Jewel ChanceNormal
  • Delirium Monsters in your Maps have 10% increased chance to drop Cluster Jewels
1Delirium Orb Reward Chance and Cluster Jewel ChanceNormal
  • Delirium Rewards in your Maps have 5% increased chance to give Delirium Orbs
  • Delirium Monsters in your Maps have 5% increased chance to drop Cluster Jewels
2Delirium Orb Reward ChanceNormal
  • Delirium Rewards in your Maps have 10% increased chance to give Delirium Orbs

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