WoW SoD Testament of Enhanced Blessings

Classes: Paladin
Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might, Wisdom, Salvation, Sanctuary, Light, and Kings by 100% and reduces their mana cost by 50%.
"Teaches you Enhanced Blessings."

The WoW SoD Testament of Enhanced Blessings is a game-changer for Paladins, offering a potent boost to their core support capabilities. Let’s break down its divine potential:

Enhanced Blessings:

  • This unique item teaches you Enhanced Blessings, permanently augmenting your existing Blessing spells.
  • Increased Duration: Your Blessings of Might, Wisdom, Salvation, Sanctuary, Light, and Kings now last 100% longer, doubling their effectiveness on your party. Imagine bolstering your allies’ damage, mana regeneration, health regeneration, and defenses for an extended period, significantly impacting the flow of battle.
  • Reduced Mana Cost: The Blessings’ mana cost is reduced by 50%, allowing you to cast them more freely throughout encounters. This frees up your mana for additional support spells, healing, or even offensive abilities, making you a versatile and efficient force on the battlefield.

Transforming your Paladin:

  • With Enhanced Blessings, your Paladin becomes a walking wellspring of support, constantly keeping your party powered up and protected.
  • You can strategically apply different Blessings for specific situations, adapting to the changing tides of battle. Imagine popping Blessing of Kings before pulling a boss to maximize your party’s damage output, or Blessing of Salvation during a raid mechanic to ensure everyone survives.
  • Managing your mana becomes less of a concern, allowing you to focus on tactics, positioning, and maximizing your overall contribution to the group.


  • The Testament is Soulbound and unique, meaning you can only use it on one character and cannot trade it. Choose wisely!
  • While the extended duration is undoubtedly powerful, timing your Blessings remains crucial. Overlapping buffs can be wasteful, so plan your casts carefully to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Remember, Paladins offer more than just Blessings. Don’t neglect your healing abilities, tanking potential, or even the occasional Holy Shock when the opportunity arises.


The Testament of Enhanced Blessings is a coveted treasure for Paladins in WoW SoD. It transforms you into a beacon of unwavering support, empowering your party and making you a cornerstone of any successful group. Use its power wisely, strategize your Blessings, and watch your allies shine under your divine aura of enhanced support!

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