PoE Used when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, if not already in effect Craft Recipe

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Used when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, if not already in effect 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Epilogue, Oriath Movement Speed and Flask Enchantments – Rank 3 Flask Helena

The "Used when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, if not already in effect" Flask enchantment in Path of Exile is a powerful and strategic option, particularly for builds focused on bossing or dealing with elite enemies. Here's a breakdown of its strengths and considerations:


This enchantment automatically activates your Flask the next time you hit a Rare or Unique enemy, as long as the Flask effect isn't already active. This offers a burst of power or utility specifically against elite encounters.


  • Targeted Power: You receive the Flask's benefits only against the enemies you need it most, maximizing its effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Bossing Synergy: This enchantment shines during boss fights, ensuring you benefit from the Flask's effect for each phase or encounter.
  • Defensive or Offensive Boosts: Choose a Flask that complements your playstyle, like a Stibnite Flask for defense against challenging hits or a Lion's Roar for increased damage against bosses.


  • Limited activations: You won't constantly reap the Flask's benefit, only against Rare and Unique enemies. Consider if consistent effects are more valuable for your build.
  • Charge management: Ensure your build has reliable methods to refill Flask charges, especially if facing multiple Rare or Unique enemies in quick succession.
  • Timing and overlapping effects: Remember that the Flask activation might have a slight delay, and its effect might not last through the entire encounter.

Additional Tips:

  • Build synergy: Analyze your build's damage patterns and enemy encounters to ensure your chosen Flask's effect triggers effectively against Rare and Unique targets.
  • Flask duration: Consider the duration of the Flask's effect compared to the frequency of encounter with Rare or Unique enemies to maximize its utilization.
  • Alternatives: Manually activating Flasks might be preferable for builds with consistent enemy engagements or requiring precise timing of the effect.

Overall, the "Used when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, if not already in effect" enchantment offers a strategic way to focus the power of your Flask on elite encounters. However, careful planning regarding your build, encounter types, and charge management is crucial to utilize its full potential. Feel free to ask any further questions about specific Flask choices, build synergies, or strategies for optimizing this exciting enchantment in your Path of Exile adventures!

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Instilling Orb Crafting Bench Mods

Helena Used when an adjacent Flask is used 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Reused at the end of this Flask’s effect 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when Charges reach full 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you Use a Guard Skill 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you Use a Travel Skill 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, if not already in effect 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you become Frozen 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you become Chilled 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you become Shocked 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you become Ignited 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you start Bleeding 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you become Poisoned 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you Block 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you take a Savage Hit 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath
Helena Used when you use a Life Flask 5x Instilling Orb
5x Glassblower’s Bauble
Flask Epilogue, Oriath

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