Torchlight Infinite Steep Strike

Steep Strike

Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash Strike Skills’ Sweep Slash form.
When a Slash Strike Skill has Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

Here’s a breakdown for further clarity:

Steep Strike:

  • Triggered by Sweep Slash: There’s a chance to gain a Steep Strike attempt when you use the Sweep Slash form of any Slash Strike Skill. Remember, Sweep Slash is the default attack for Slash Strike Skills unless modified by specific skills or equipment.
  • Steep Strike Form: If you have at least one Steep Strike attempt when using a Slash Strike Skill, it will be cast in the Steep Strike form instead of the Sweep Slash form.
  • Steep Strike Advantages: While the mechanics may vary slightly depending on the specific Skill, Steep Strike often offers:
    • Increased Damage: Typically deals significantly more damage than Sweep Slash.
    • Different Animation and Hitbox: May have a unique attack animation and potentially a different hitbox, impacting targeting and area of effect.

Important Note:

  • The chance to gain Steep Strike attempts can be modified by various factors, including:
    • Skills and Equipment: Some skills and equipment have perks or bonuses that increase your Steep Strike chance.
    • Hero Traits: Certain Hero Traits might influence Steep Strike, offering additional attempts or altering its functionality.
    • Legendary Gems: Some Legendary Gems can also affect Steep Strike chance or its effects.

Understanding Steep Strike is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of Slash Strike Skills in Torchlight Infinite. By prioritizing factors that boost your Steep Strike chance and learning the specific impact of this attack for each Skill you use, you can unleash devastating blows and dominate the battlefield.

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