Throne and Liberty Gathering Speed

Gathering Speed: The speed of gathering materials.

Gathering Speed in Throne and Liberty sounds like a crucial stat for players who enjoy crafting or acquiring resources from the world. Here’s what I can help you understand:

What it Does:

Gathering Speed directly influences how quickly you collect resources like herbs, minerals, and other materials from nodes in the game. A higher stat translates to collecting resources faster, saving you time and effort.


  • Increased Efficiency: Faster gathering means you can collect more resources in less time, allowing you to progress in crafting professions or acquire materials for other activities quicker.
  • Time Saving: Reduced gathering time frees you up to explore other aspects of the game, participate in events, or complete quests.
  • Competitive Advantage: In some cases, fast gathering can give you an edge in acquiring rare resources or completing timed challenges.

Factors to Consider:

  • Class and Profession: Certain classes naturally benefit from gathering bonuses, while specific professions might utilize gathering more heavily.
  • Equipment and Buffs: Gear with gathering speed enhancements and temporary buffs can significantly boost your collection rate.
  • Gathering Locations: Different areas may have varied resource nodes with differing gathering speeds.
  • Personal Playstyle: Some players prefer maximizing efficiency, while others prioritize exploration and enjoy more leisurely resource gathering.

Optimizing Gathering Speed:

  • Invest in gear: Look for equipment with gathering speed bonuses as primary or secondary stats.
  • Utilize consumables and skills: Use food, potions, or class/profession skills that temporarily increase gathering speed.
  • Choose efficient locations: Research areas with resource nodes that yield higher quantities or offer faster gathering speeds.
  • Consider specialization: If gathering plays a major role in your gameplay, specialize in professions and classes that benefit from it.

Additional Information:

  • Knowing the specific source stat for Gathering Speed would provide deeper insights into potential equipment choices and stat allocation.
  • Understanding the different tiers and limitations of gathering speed modifiers could help you optimize your resource acquisition.

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