Skull and Bones You Have Crossed The Helm

The message "You have crossed the helm" in Skull and Bones appears when you reach Brigand Infamy Level 4. This is a significant milestone in the game, as it unlocks several crucial features and triggers specific events:

Unlocked Features:

  • Helm Access: You gain access to the Helm, a new section of your ship that serves as your base of operations. This area allows you to:
    • Manage your smuggling network: You can accept and complete Supply Network contracts, gather resources like sugar cane, and receive rewards for successful deliveries.
    • Unlock the Black Market: Complete specific Helm orders to earn Pieces of Eight, a special currency used to purchase unique and powerful items from the Black Market, which offers a wider variety of weapons, ship parts, and resources compared to regular vendors.
    • Upgrade your smuggling network: Invest earned resources to improve your network’s efficiency and unlock additional benefits.

Triggered Events:

  • Bounty Hunters: Reaching this Infamy level attracts the attention of bounty hunters. These formidable enemies will actively track you down and engage in challenging battles, adding a new layer of difficulty and strategic thinking to your gameplay.
  • Story Progression: Reaching Brigand Infamy Level 4 might trigger specific story events or unlock new quests, furthering the narrative and potentially introducing new characters or challenges related to your role in the world of Skull and Bones.

Overall, the message "You have crossed the helm" signifies a pivotal moment in your journey as a pirate in Skull and Bones. It opens up new avenues for progress, challenges, and rewards, allowing you to build your smuggling empire and navigate the treacherous waters as a formidable pirate captain.

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skull and bones you have crossed the helm prepare to be hunted

In Skull and Bones, the message "You have crossed the helm, prepare to be hunted" appears when you reach Brigand Infamy Level 4. This message highlights two key aspects that come with reaching this significant milestone in the game:

1. Unlocked Helm Features:

  • Gaining access to the Helm: This new area allows you to establish and manage your smuggling network, offering opportunities for:
    • Supply Network contracts: Complete these contracts to gather resources and earn rewards.
    • Black Market access: Unlock the Black Market using "Pieces of Eight" earned through Helm orders. Here, you can purchase powerful weapons, ship parts, and resources unavailable elsewhere.
    • Smuggling network upgrades: Invest resources to improve its efficiency and unlock further benefits.

2. Increased Difficulty:

  • Bounty hunter encounters: Reaching this level attracts the attention of bounty hunters. These formidable enemies will actively track you down and engage in challenging battles. Be prepared for fierce encounters that demand strategic thinking and skillful combat.
  • Story progression: This Infamy level might trigger specific story events or new quests, introducing new characters or challenges related to your role in the world.

Essentially, the message is a way to prepare you for the consequences of your growing notoriety. While you gain access to powerful tools and opportunities, you also face increased threats that demand a higher level of skill and resourcefulness to navigate the treacherous seas. Remember, as a notorious pirate captain, your actions have consequences, and surviving in this world requires not just offensive power but also strategic planning and a keen awareness of the dangers that lurk around every corner.

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