Skull and Bones Spiked War Horn

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Spiked War Horn I Telok Penjarah Blueprint Cost: 3170 Silver
Infamy: Corsair I

Fine Ramie x8
Juniper Plank x6
Steel Ingot x8
Zinc Ingot x6
Fine Abaka x6
Ironwood Plank x8
Silver x1730

Skull and Bones Spiked War Horn I Blueprint Summary

Item: Spiked War Horn I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Telok Penjarah (It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 3170 Silver
  • Infamy: Corsair I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Fine Ramie x8 (Strong and lightweight fiber)
    • Juniper Plank x6 (Common shipbuilding wood)
    • Steel Ingot x8 (Strong and durable metal)
    • Zinc Ingot x6 (Metal used for creating containers)
    • Fine Abaka x6 (Strong and durable fiber)
    • Ironwood Plank x8 (Heavy and durable wood)
    • Silver x1730

Function (Speculative):

Based on the name and materials, the Spiked War Horn I Blueprint likely allows you to craft a bladed instrument used for signaling and potentially close-quarters combat in Skull and Bones. Here’s a breakdown of the potential functionalities:

  • Loud Sound Generation: The primary function is likely to produce a loud and far-reaching sound, similar to a traditional war horn. This could be used for:

    • Communication: Signaling commands or warnings to your crew during combat or maneuvers.
    • Intimidation: The sound of the horn might be used to frighten or demoralize enemy crews before an attack.
  • Spiked Weapon Potential: The presence of "spiked" in the name and the use of ironwood (very hard wood) suggests the instrument might have secondary functionality as a weapon.

    • Boarding Actions: The spikes could be used for inflicting damage during close-quarters combat when boarding enemy ships.
    • Defensive Tool: The horn could be wielded in a defensive manner to repel enemy boarders attempting to climb onto your ship.

Materials Analysis:

  • Fine Ramie & Fine Abaka: These strong fibers could be used for creating the horn’s mouthpiece, bindings, or decorative elements.
  • Steel Ingot & Zinc Ingot: Steel is a strong metal that could be used for the body of the horn, while zinc might be used for decorative parts or a funnel amplifying the sound.
  • Ironwood Plank: This exceptionally hard wood is likely used for the spiked portions of the horn, making them effective weapons in close combat.

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