Skull and Bones Marked For Death Bug

There have been reports of a bug related to the "marked for death" system in Skull and Bones. Here’s what you need to know:

The Bug:

  • Some players are experiencing a situation where they are continuously notified of having a death mark, even after supposedly clearing it through the intended methods (paying off the bounty or completing Helm contracts).
  • This notification can be persistent and disruptive to gameplay.

Impact on Players:

  • The bug can be frustrating for players as it creates a constant sense of being hunted, even if the mark is no longer valid.
  • It might also lead to unnecessary caution or avoidance of certain areas or interactions due to the misleading notification.

Potential Solutions (While Unofficial):

  • Reloading the Game: A temporary solution some players have found helpful is to simply reload the game. This might reset the notification flag and temporarily alleviate the issue.
  • Interact with a Vendor: Another suggestion involves interacting with a vendor or another non-hostile NPC at a port or outpost. This might force the notification to refresh and potentially resolve the bug temporarily.

Important Note:

  • These are not guaranteed fixes, and the bug might resurface after some time.


  • Report the Bug: If you encounter this issue, consider reporting it to the Skull and Bones developers through official channels. This helps them identify and address the bug in future updates.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on official Skull and Bones news and announcements for any patches or updates that might address the "marked for death" bug.
  • Community Discussions: Engage with the Skull and Bones community forums or online discussions to see if other players have found workarounds or temporary solutions while waiting for a permanent fix.

Hopefully, the developers will acknowledge and address this bug in a future update. In the meantime, by applying the temporary solutions and staying informed, you can manage the frustration associated with the "marked for death" bug in Skull and Bones.

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