Skull and Bones Jaws of Retribution Contract

While "Jaws of Retribution" is related to the game’s first season, it’s not a specific contract within the game. Here’s a corrected explanation:

Jaws of Retribution Explained:

  • Kingpin Bounty: It’s a limited-time event within the game’s Bounty system that was active during the "Raging Tides" first season (March 5th – March 26th, 2024).
  • Boss Encounter: It wasn’t a separate contract, but rather a special boss fight against a powerful enemy named Zamaharibu.
  • Availability: As of October 26, 2023, the "Jaws of Retribution" event and the Zamaharibu fight are no longer available due to the season ending.

Contracts in Skull and Bones:

  • The game offers various types of contracts scattered throughout the world, accessed through Contract Boards in different locations or the Order Registry within the Helm.
  • These contracts involve different objectives, such as completing deliveries, defeating enemies, or gathering resources.
  • Completing contracts rewards you with various benefits like experience points, resources, and reputation.

Understanding the Misinformation:

  • There might have been confusion due to the similar timeframe of the "Jaws of Retribution" event and the presence of contracts in the game.
  • However, it’s important to distinguish that the "Jaws of Retribution" specifically referred to the boss fight against Zamaharibu, not a separate contract.


The "Jaws of Retribution" was a limited-time Kingpin Bounty event offering a challenging boss fight during Skull and Bones’ first season. It’s no longer available, but the game continues to offer various contracts and other content for your pirate journey.

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