Skull and Bones Death Mark Expired Without Glitch

While the "Death Mark Expired" notification in Skull and Bones is widely considered a bug, there’s a small chance it might be something else. Here’s a breakdown of the possibilities:

Most Likely Scenario (Bug):

  • Glitch in the System: This is the most probable explanation. The notification appears due to a bug in the game’s code that keeps resurfacing.

Less Likely Scenario (Intended Feature – Unlikely):

  • Hidden Mechanic (Unconfirmed): There’s a very slight possibility that the notification might be a remnant of a scrapped feature or a hidden mechanic not yet fully implemented. However, there’s no evidence to support this.

What to Do:

  • Follow Bug Solutions: Even if it’s not a confirmed bug, the solutions for temporary relief still apply:
    • Reload/Restart: Quitting to the main menu and reloading or restarting the game usually clears the notification.
    • Ignore: If reloading doesn’t offer a permanent fix, ignoring the message is an option since it doesn’t seem to affect core gameplay.

Staying Informed:


Although a hidden mechanic is a possibility, it’s highly unlikely. Following the tips for dealing with a bug is the recommended course of action. Hopefully, future updates will address this notification definitively.

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