PoE Sapping Conflux

Sapping Conflux Path of Exile

Sapping Conflux Sapping Conflux: All of your damage Saps.

  • chance_to_inflict_sapped_%

Conflux is a type of buff that causes hits from all combined damage types to apply ignite, chill, and/or shock, overriding the usual rule that only fire damage can ignite, cold damage can chill, and lightning damage can shock.

Sapping Conflux

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Conflux will apply the ailment (of that Conflux: e.g. Igniting Conflux apply ignite and so on; Elemental Conflux applies ignite, chill, and shock) based on the total damage of all combined damage types on hit.

For example, when the player with Igniting Conflux deals a hit with the following damage types:

  • 200 Physical
  • 50 Fire
  • 100 Cold
  • 150 Chaos

that hit will apply ignite with damage based on a 500 damage initial hit.


  • Igniting Conflux: causes all damage types to apply ignite.
  • Chilling Conflux: causes all damage types to apply chill.
  • Shocking Conflux: causes all damage types to apply shock.
  • Elemental Conflux: combines all three Conflux effects into one and applies ignite, chill, and shock on hit. Note that freeze is not applied by Elemental Conflux.
  • Scorching Conflux: causes all damage types to apply scorch.
  • Brittle Conflux: causes all damage types to inflict brittle.
  • Sapping Conflux: causes all damage types to apply sap.

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