Roots of Flavor – Flyff Universe

Roots of Flavor Quest

Description Hunt Antiquery and get 10 Anti Roots.
Begin NPC Jinitte
End NPC Jinitte
Location Darkon 3
Level: 87~120
Complete Quest: The Nomadic Chef
Collect 10x Anti-Root
EXP: 23% for Lv. 87
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

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Begin Ah~! You’re the one lookin for that hero! Figured you were here to try some of my world famous cuisine!
Haven’t heard of me!? Well you my friend, must have been living under a pretty big rock for some time.
Maybe while you adjust to the light, you could do me a little favor? Afterwards I promise to tell you where to find that hero you are looking for!
Accept Thanks!! Well, I’m working on my latest masterpiece dish, but first I need 10 Anti Roots. Please go obtain some from Antiquery!
Decline Ahh nevermind then! Figured you might do me this one favor!
Complete Oh!! I was waiting for you. You came back earlier than I expected.
Fail Please hunt Antiquery and bring me 10 Anti Roots.

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