PoE Weapon Dps Calculator

There isn’t a single official Path of Exile (POE) weapon DPS calculator. However, there are a few popular options available to estimate your weapon’s DPS (damage per second):

1. Path of Building Community Fork (External Tool):

  • This is a popular and powerful offline tool created by the Path of Building community. It allows you to import your character build and gear, including weapons, and see a detailed breakdown of your DPS, including physical, elemental, and chaos damage.

  • Here are some resources to get started:

2. Online Calculators (Third-Party Tools):

  • Several websites offer online Path of Exile calculators that estimate DPS based on weapon stats and character information. These can be a good starting point, but keep in mind they might not account for all the intricacies of your build or Path of Exile mechanics.

  • Here are a couple of examples (use at your own discretion):

3. In-Game Mechanics:

  • Path of Exile doesn’t have a built-in DPS meter. However, you can get a rough idea of your weapon’s damage by hovering your mouse over the DPS stat on your character sheet. This will show the base physical damage range of your weapon.

Important Considerations:

  • True DPS is Complex: Remember, actual DPS in Path of Exile is influenced by various factors beyond base weapon damage, such as attack speed, critical strike chance, enemy resistances, and skill modifiers. These calculators provide estimates, not exact values.
  • Focus on Effective Damage: Consider enemy resistances and aim for high effective DPS (damage after enemy resistances are factored in) for better real-world performance.

By using a combination of these methods and understanding the complexities of Path of Exile damage mechanics, you can get a good feel for your weapon’s effectiveness and optimize your build for maximum damage output.

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