PoE Two Handed Axe Crafting

Crafting a powerful two-handed axe in Path of Exile (POE) requires knowledge of various mechanics and strategic use of resources. Here’s a breakdown of the process specific to two-handed axes:

Crafting Stages:

  1. Acquiring a Base Axe:
  • White Item: Ideal starting point for maximum control over crafting. Look for axes with a high base physical damage.
  • Rare Axes: Consider axes with desirable implicit modifiers like increased physical damage, elemental damage (Fire/Cold/Lightning), or critical strike chance.
  1. Crafting with Essences and Orbs:
  • Deafening Essences: These are particularly valuable for two-handed axes due to their ability to add high tiers of physical damage or elemental damage as prefixes. Choose specific essences based on your desired element (Hatred for Cold, Wrath for Lightning, Anger for Fire).
  • Alterations/Augmentations: Re-roll existing modifiers or add a new random modifier. Use cautiously to avoid removing beneficial mods.
  1. Advanced Techniques (Optional):
  • Fracturing Orbs: For experienced players, this advanced technique allows locking a specific prefix or suffix, enabling targeted crafting with other orbs. (Requires significant resources and game knowledge)
  • Harvest Crafting (Remnants): While Harvest crafting is a past league mechanic, remnants of its influence might exist in the current game. These remnants can be used to add specific modifiers to your axe.
  1. Refining with Suffixes:
  • Crafting Bench: Craft valuable suffixes like increased attack speed, critical strike chance, or elemental penetration.
  • Exalted Orbs (High Risk): Attempt to roll a powerful endgame modifier, but be prepared for potentially undesirable outcomes.

Crafting Strategies:

  • Early Levels: Focus on acquiring a decent base with good physical damage through Essences. Prioritize attack speed for smoother leveling.
  • Mid-Game: Aim for higher tiers of physical or elemental damage prefixes using higher tier Deafening Essences. Consider crafting critical strike chance or attack speed on the Crafting Bench.
  • End-Game: Utilize advanced techniques like Fracturing and potentially remnant Harvest crafting (refer to disclaimer below) for greater control over the process.

Important Considerations:

  • Crafting Involves Risk: Currency like Alterations or Exalted Orbs have a random effect.
  • High-Tier Orbs are Rare: Use them strategically and consider buying specific crafted axes from other players if crafting yourself proves too costly.
  • Understanding Modifiers: Crucial to know how prefixes, suffixes, and implicit modifiers impact your desired build (physical damage, elemental damage, critical strike build).

Additional Tips for Two-Handed Axes:

  • Focus on Physical Damage: Two-handed axes naturally excel at physical damage due to their high base damage. Prioritize physical damage modifiers throughout the crafting process.
  • Consider Elemental Damage Builds: While less common, elemental damage builds can be achieved with two-handed axes using specific Essences and crafting techniques.
  • Attack Speed and Area of Effect: Due to their sweeping nature, two-handed skills often benefit from increased attack speed and area of effect modifiers.

Disclaimer: Remnant Harvest crafting mechanics mentioned earlier may not be entirely relevant as they are from a past league system. Consult reliable Path of Exile resources for the latest information on crafting techniques.

Here’s an example crafting process for a mid-game Physical Damage Two-Handed Axe:

  1. Acquire: A white two-handed axe with high physical damage.
  2. Craft: Use a Deafening Essence of Loathing (Physical Damage) to add a high tier of increased physical damage prefix.
  3. Craft: On the Crafting Bench, add increased Attack Speed or Critical Strike Chance suffix.

Remember: Crafting a top-tier two-handed axe requires knowledge, strategic planning, and potentially a significant investment. By understanding the core mechanics, utilizing advanced techniques when possible, and considering alternative options like buying crafted axes, you can acquire an axe that significantly enhances your character’s damage output in Path of Exile.

Additional Resources:

  • Crafting Calculators: Online tools like https://pathofbuilding.community/ can help simulate different crafting options and estimate outcomes.
  • Community Forums: Utilize Path of Exile forums and communities to learn from experienced crafters and get advice on specific crafting strategies.

By combining the information above with further research and exploration of resources, you can effectively craft a powerful two-handed axe and build a strong character around it in Path of Exile.

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